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> Area of Effect
post Sep 22 2008, 09:58 AM
Post #1

Forum Member
Posts: 127
Joined: 28-August 04
From: California

I am starting a new play though with Spellpack 5. The Entangle now has a an area of effect of 40' (20' in the original game). This seem too big to me. I think a smaller area of effect or not effecting the party. If a Druid can control plants why would they want to entangle they're party? I know things can only be done as a radius with the game, but think of an enemy effect only spell as one that is cast in a shape that matches where the enemies are standing.

This brings up what I have thought of as a high level Fireball spell or a Fireball spell cast at high level. Think of a Mage of great skill casting a fire ball that is not a ball, but in a shape and size needed at the time to only get enemies. How about a high level Fireball spell that would do the same damage type/amount but only effects enemies?

I Ride for the King!

a.k.a. Chevalier
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