Jun 26 2005, 08:35 AM
I thought it would be nice to have a list of animations we can expect from this project - WoRm, if possible, please list those avatars you want to do next, and I guess even visitors of this forum can tell you which animations they would like to see in the future.
As for me, I'd be most interested in a thourough Demon/Devil collection. Also it is worth to note that once you get yourself to convert Balors for example, it would be essential to convert the animations with their specific weapon(s) - the flaming sword.
Jul 2 2005, 08:18 AM
So far what I have done (just waiting to be tweaked(shadows) and uploaded)
1) Werecat-weretigers
2) Werebat
3) Gorgon
4) Gelatinous Cube
5) Avarial (male and female)
6) Devil
7) Purple Worm (this ones cool

8) Improved golems..Iron/Adamantium/Flesh/Clay
9) Deep Rothe
10) Giant Leech
11) Displacer Beasts
and what I plan on doing next
1) Balors (with/without sword and whip)
2) Various PC like characters like Amel and Vedred (got any special characters?)
3) DLA's awesome ogre
4) DLA Sharks
5) Dracolich (I'm really..really trying for this one)
6) Medusa
as T.G.Maestro pointed out, here would be a good place to make wishlists for what you would like to see.
Jul 2 2005, 12:15 PM
And what is this?
Either way, this TODO sounds most promising, I'm waiting for those Balor animations (not to mention the Dracolich... now that would be an achievement!).
Oh, and as I remember, Galactygon asked for Lich replacements too.
Jul 2 2005, 08:20 PM
A variety of Baatezu, Yugoloth, Tan'ari, as well as a variety of celestials would also be nice. Also, a few more creatures from the elemental planes would be appreciated too.
Jul 3 2005, 12:58 AM
Also, a few more creatures from the elemental planes would be appreciated too.
Especially water elementals, since BG lacks them (IWD isn't good enough).
Jul 4 2005, 02:41 PM
My top five Would Love To See:
1) Thri-Kreen
2) Kenku
3) Troglodyte
4) Rust Monster
5) Centaur
Jul 5 2005, 12:33 PM
Especially water elementals, since BG lacks them (IWD isn't good enough).
I wouldn't recommend using the NWN version of Water/Fire/Air elementals, they are the worse implementation of these creatures. My vote goes for either the IWD or the ToB versions.
Jul 6 2005, 10:36 AM
My wishlist so far would include:
Undeads:- Spectreal undeads;
- Greater Mummies (at least one version);
- Lich;
- Bodak;
- Bone Golem;
- Vampire (Male/Female);
- and of course the Dracolich
Others:- Manticore;
- Intellect Devourer (at least one, but non-undead version);
- Extra Golems: Demonflesh/Mithral;
- Vrock
Jul 6 2005, 03:22 PM
My vote goes for either the IWD or the ToB versions.
Unfortunately, the ToB water elemental animation is closer to the water wierd animation than the actual elemental itself. It is even marked in one of the IDS files as "weird" or "water weird" or something similar.
Jul 6 2005, 05:53 PM
Unfortunately, the ToB water elemental animation is closer to the water wierd animation than the actual elemental itself. It is even marked in one of the IDS files as "weird" or "water weird" or something similar.
That is true, I admit - that is why I added the IWD variations as an alternative. Either way, I think that while NWN has many great creature animations, the ones for elementals are not among these.
My top five Would Love To See:
1) Thri-Kreen
2) Kenku
3) Troglodyte
4) Rust Monster
5) Centaur
May I ask where these creatures appear in any of these games?
Jul 6 2005, 06:32 PM
To be a bit more specific in my earlier requests, I'd love to see animations of the following creatures if they are available:
sea hag
water elemental
water weird (I'd like these two to be somewhat distinct in appearance, so either/or works for me)
Cloud Giant
Aerial Servant
Ice paraelemental
air mephit
galeb duhr
Phantom Stalker
More of a Wish List is the following
Agathinon (Aasimon)
Different varieties of Devas (Astral, Monadic, Movanic)
Light (Aasimon)
Lemure (Baatezu)
Amnizu (Baatezu)
Cornugon (Baatezu)
Gelugon (Baatezu)
Nupperibo (Baatezu)
Spinagon (Baatezu)
Barbazu (Baatezu)
Hamatula (Baatezu)
Osyluth (Baatezu)
Chasme (Tanar'ri)
Molydeus (Tanar'ri)
Dretch (Tanar'ri)
Mane (Tanar'ri)
Rutterkin (Tanar'ri)
Bar-lgura (Tanar'ri)
Uridezu/Ratfiend (Tanar'ri)
Glabrezu (Tanar'ri)
Hezrou (Tanar'ri)
Nalfeshnee (Tanar'ri)
Vrock (Tanar'ri)
Arcanaloth (Yugoloth)
Nycaloth (Yuholoth)
Ultroloth (Yugoloth)
Dergholoth (Yugoloth)
Gacholoth (Yugoloth)
Hydroloth (Yugoloth)
Mezzoloth (Yugoloth)
Piscoloth (Yugoloth)
Yagnoloth (Yugoloth)
Hengeyokai (multiple varieties, both genders and multiple classes if possible)
Jul 7 2005, 09:23 AM
@ Caedwyr:
The following creature are NOT present in any of the NWN campaigns, IIRC:
- Khargra, Xorn, sea hag (though this one appears in ToEE), Cloud Giant, Aerial Servant, Ice paraelemental, Nereid, Triton, galeb duhr, pech, sandling, firetail, Sylph, Phantom Stalker, Agathinon, Amnizu, Chasme, Molydeus, Mane, Rutterkin, Bar-lgura, Uridezu/Ratfiend, Hezrou, Nalfeshnee, and all the Yugoloths you listed.
And these creatures are already present in BG2 or other IE games:
- water elemental, water weird, Lemure, Cornugon, Nupperibo, Glabrezu.
Jul 7 2005, 01:15 PM
Aerial Servants are also present in BG2.
Jul 7 2005, 04:08 PM
As are air mephits and nereids.
Jul 7 2005, 04:17 PM
And Nalfeshnee in PS:T.
Jul 7 2005, 04:35 PM
Come to think of, there's a Xorn in the Community Expansion Project:
Jul 7 2005, 08:31 PM
QUOTE(T.G.Maestro @ Jul 7 2005, 09:23 AM)
@ Caedwyr:
The following creature are NOT present in any of the NWN campaigns, IIRC:
- Khargra, Xorn, sea hag (though this one appears in ToEE), Cloud Giant, Aerial Servant, Ice paraelemental, Nereid, Triton, galeb duhr, pech, sandling, firetail, Sylph, Phantom Stalker, Agathinon, Amnizu, Chasme, Molydeus, Mane, Rutterkin, Bar-lgura, Uridezu/Ratfiend, Hezrou, Nalfeshnee, and all the Yugoloths you listed.
And these creatures are already present in BG2 or other IE games:
- water elemental, water weird, Lemure, Cornugon, Nupperibo, Glabrezu.
Sure, but I understand there are a variety of player mods out there, and someone may have done one of these creatures up. As well, I seem to recall something about porting over other game's creature animations, so I may as well have a wish list out there somewhere
Jul 8 2005, 08:25 AM
Sure, but I understand there are a variety of player mods out there, and someone may have done one of these creatures up. As well, I seem to recall something about porting over other game's creature animations, so I may as well have a wish list out there somewhere
You are correct, but since WoRm works on this alone (for now), I think it would be a little bit wiser to focus on animations that are actually available and doable, and keep the questionable ones for the future. There are plenty of portable creatures in NWN already, I think we should concentrate on those first.
Also, since this thread is becoming somewhat confusing, I suggest sorting the requests to NWN / non-NWN sub-groups.
Jul 8 2005, 08:28 AM
There has actually been an extensive amount of custom models done by the community and a majority are very, very well done..for instance off the top of my head....xorns, kenkus, tri-keens,centaurs, ants, wasps, centipedes,rust monsters, a majority of the demons listed,etc all have been modeled...so chances are it may make it to a bg2 conversion. I search the NWN vault all the time so no new creatures make it past me and since I adore BG2 waaay more then NWN (sorry atari) I mainly use my NWN as a kind of usable database of BG goodness.
so keep the wish lists coming!
(p.s. sorry about the delays in new material, just going back through everything and fixing shadows/syncing and overall lighting before i start any new model conversions.bear with me though

Jul 12 2005, 12:31 PM
Different varieties of Devas
Whilke there are no different varieties of Devas, different varieties of Celestials are available:
- a female Deva (HotU);
- a male Planetar (HotU);
WoRm, if you ever intend to start working on these, please make it sure you add the correct weapons these creatures tend to use according their pnp descriptions: the Mace for the Deva and a Two-Handed Sword for the Planetar.
Jul 13 2005, 06:49 AM
Or for additional goodness, allow each to wield a variety of different weapons.
Jul 13 2005, 07:00 AM
Is that doable that easily?
Jul 13 2005, 09:04 AM
Each creature animation will have seperate weapon animations so that if you want it to have a sword, just place a sword in his/her inventory, want an axe..a halberd, how about a whip or maybe a double-sword. It's pretty simple just re-doing the animation with the weapon in hand and adding a matte/shadow material to the creature object, this way it allows only the weapon animation to be displayed. I have already beta test this with several creatures like the Balor( I know T.G Maestro is waiting on this one

) and devas. Also I found a breakthrough in the MAX,DOC, and Kurt unused animations and am re-creating Vedred and Amel (be up shortly for download) including ALL current weapon animations as well as several new weapons...
(this is actually whats been taking so long in the uploads...sorry guys/girls but it will be worth the wait,i promise)
Jul 18 2005, 11:04 PM
if you don't mind, i suggest it would be cool if you somehow did different giant animations... i.e. frost giant, hill, stone, storm, any others i missed...
Jul 19 2005, 03:39 PM
IWD1 has frost giants

Jul 19 2005, 04:22 PM
...as well as Fire Giants; I always thought the ToB version of them look like Titans (I have addressed this in Bestial Animations).
By the way, IWD2 has fomorian giants also.
Jul 19 2005, 04:26 PM
if you don't mind, i suggest it would be cool if you somehow did different giant animations... i.e. frost giant, hill, stone, storm, any others i missed...
Only the Hill, Frost and Fire versions are available in NWN - and as you listed before, the other IE games already have useful animations for the the latter two, so there is no need to adress them. Hill Giants would be nice though, I admit.
Jul 19 2005, 07:37 PM
QUOTE(T.G.Maestro @ Jul 19 2005, 04:26 PM)
Hill Giants would be nice though, I admit.
*Chimes in hopefully on this one.*
Jul 20 2005, 05:13 AM
Hill giants,Stone giants,and the female versions of Fire and Frost giants will be making a BG2 appearance quite soon
Jul 20 2005, 06:47 AM
ooooo goodie
Jul 20 2005, 08:00 AM
Two things WoRm:
- first, it would be a good idea to update the basic TODO list in this topic now and then, so we (you) can keep track of the planned additions.
- second: if you start working on Balors, please make it sure that the added weapons have their fiery aura around them (in other words, don't use normal weapon animations, use their classical "flaming sword/whip" animations instead).
Jul 21 2005, 04:11 AM
Just wanted to let you guys/gals out there know that I am back in full force.
I was doing a secret project for Baronius (who was kind enough to offer me such vast space for these animations)and it kind of side-tracked me a bit but now that its complete I will be uploading several new creatures in the next few days.
I should point out that I do not have a connection at home and am only able to access web while at work which means about 1-1 1/2 hrs per night ,5 days a week.
and since some of these animations take about 1/2 hr to upload you can see where I fall short sometimes.
I will be re-doing a 'Whats next' topic and I will be placing animated gifs (like on the download thread) of the creatures that will be done next...this is for 2 reasons.
1) It will give you modders out there some eye-candy on whats to be seen
2) but more importantly it will give you, the community, a chance to change/vote your opinions on the progression of the overall animation, like lighting issues,textures,etc...
This will save me a alot of work re-doing animations and will also let the final animations be as best as they can be.
once again thanks for your continued support.
Jul 21 2005, 08:38 AM
I plan on doing just that...I'm just messing around for a good fire plug-in for 3ds max.
My plan is to have the weapons fire-aura 'clown-colored' so you can assign any color fire that you may want.
Jul 21 2005, 03:45 PM
My plan is to have the weapons fire-aura 'clown-colored' so you can assign any color fire that you may want.
Only the BG1 avatar animations (in addition to the ogre and the xvart and Drizzt) may accept clown colouring. I am wondering whether or not you can do this for other animations.
Jul 21 2005, 06:15 PM
Only the BG1 avatar animations (in addition to the ogre and the xvart and Drizzt) may accept clown colouring. I am wondering whether or not you can do this for other animations.
And it is truly not necessary. While it would offer more options for modders, I think it is more than enough to have the classical (original) visuals available for use (I'm referring to the flaming weapons for Balors for example).
PS.: I know that Balors should have LIGHTNING weapons instead of flaming ones, but since EVERY game out there uses flaming versions (and it looks better, I admit), my vote goes for the latter.
Jul 21 2005, 07:01 PM
My plan is to have the weapons fire-aura 'clown-colored' so you can assign any color fire that you may want.
Only the BG1 avatar animations (in addition to the ogre and the xvart and Drizzt) may accept clown colouring. I am wondering whether or not you can do this for other animations.
And it is truly not necessary. While it would offer more options for modders, I think it is more than enough to have the classical (original) visuals available for use (I'm referring to the flaming weapons for Balors for example).
Nothing is necessary, but it would be a great option. Great possibility for modders, so if it's possible and doable, I do support the idea.
Jul 21 2005, 08:22 PM
QUOTE(WoRm @ Jul 20 2005, 05:13 AM)
Hill giants,Stone giants,and the female versions of Fire and Frost giants will be making a BG2 appearance quite soon
*Woot!* These will feature prominantly in my Greyhawk project. Much thanks, I had no hope at all for the female versions!
Jul 21 2005, 09:35 PM
QUOTE(hlidskialf @ Jul 21 2005, 09:22 PM)
QUOTE(WoRm @ Jul 20 2005, 05:13 AM)
Hill giants,Stone giants,and the female versions of Fire and Frost giants will be making a BG2 appearance quite soon
*Woot!* These will feature prominantly in my Greyhawk project. Much thanks, I had no hope at all for the female versions!
I guess we can look forward to death by Snoo-Snoo then?
I know...I know...
Jul 22 2005, 01:40 AM
Hey modders...check the 'Upcoming Animations thread' for an update.
Jul 25 2005, 03:50 AM
QUOTE(Rabain @ Jul 21 2005, 09:35 PM)
QUOTE(hlidskialf @ Jul 21 2005, 09:22 PM)
QUOTE(WoRm @ Jul 20 2005, 05:13 AM)
Hill giants,Stone giants,and the female versions of Fire and Frost giants will be making a BG2 appearance quite soon
*Woot!* These will feature prominantly in my Greyhawk project. Much thanks, I had no hope at all for the female versions!
I guess we can look forward to death by Snoo-Snoo then?
I know...I know... Well, if ya' gotta go...
Aug 19 2005, 12:39 AM
*Poke* Heya WoRm, any luck with those giant animations yet? *Rubs hands in anticipation.*
Aug 23 2005, 08:45 PM
Just thought you might like to know that the
Eye of the Beholder NWN module contains a bunch of brand new creatures, including Kenku and Thrikreen

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