Hi All,

I'm currently looking for a male voice actor for an NPC I am almost ready to release.

Elven Fighter with a sense of humour, a fairly unique outlook on life and is nearly always happy! Non-romancable and has his own game-long quest.

If you can imagine someone who is a cross between Minsc, Khalid and Jan then you will be somewhere around the right mark.

The kind of voice acting I am looking for would be something along the lines of the cliche "native american indian attempts to speak english" sound. Use Me instead of I, says I not instead of I am not, leaves out the majority of grammar etc..


SAY AREA_FOREST ~This like Great Forest, only smaller and not so many trees.~
SAY AREA_DAY ~Ah...sun shining, blue sky...probably rain soon.~
SAY CRITICAL_MISS ~That practice shot...~
SAY INVENTORY_FULL ~I not carry this, give it slave instead!~
To Imoen after spellhold: ~I bet you happy to be out of that crazy house, right?~
Banter with Aerie: ~Ah pretty lady elf, no Avariel in Great Forest. Did see flying monkey once though!~
Banter with Korgan: ~Hah! I guess you never try Forest Brew then eh? It put hairs on chest.~
Interject when Irenicus is dead; ~Maybe you kick him few times <CHARNAME>, make sure he dead this time?~

Clicktalk quote samples:
~Crowded room smell different to halfling.~
~Lady who live in glass house should dress in basement!~
~Man who argue with wife get no piece at night.~
~He who smile in crisis found someone to blame, hah!~

There will be somewhere in the region of 100 voiced lines so it is a fairly hefty job for whoever is willing to take it on.

If you think you would be interested in talking this on please feel free to record a few of the examples above and email them to rabain@blackwyrmlair.net .

Thanks & that's all folks.