There is one annyoing problem with it though, it's "speed". The animation speed is quite slow, definitely slower than it originally was in NWN - the framerate should be increased at least by 50% to get the ideal result.
This brings up multiple problems:
- the creature moves very slow, as if under the effects of a Slow spell. On the other hand, his actions happen at normal speed, causing the animation to be unsynchronized with them. Example: while the Pit Fiends swings one with his arm, the target gets hit at least two times.
- somehow the animation doesn't react to movement increase. If I add an effect to the .cre file to increase it's movement rate by 50% for example, the result is far from perfect - while the creature will get faster to it's target, it's movement animation won't get any faster (e.g. it will move at the very same speed, but to a greater distance than before). This looks as if it would use a skate, sliding from one place to another.
As a summary, it would be most useful to have the base framerate of these bams increased by a significant percent to get a normal movement speed/animation for the creature.