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This is where all such updates shall be posted.


I haven't done much work on Lost Crossroads during the summer; I was occupied with other matter of things, as well as preparing for next semester (which will be the toughest semester to be seen). On the other hand, the graphics work is pretty much done, as well as several spells converted to their true P&P counterparts.

The spells are:
-Flamestrike (area effect, but rather than 6D8, I have set the damage to 8D8)
-Lower Resistance (has a 50% chance of bypassing magic resistance, but may lower the magic resistance by a higher percent)
-Dimension Door (range of 30 feet per level, rather than 30 yards; the maps in the game are too small for such large ranges)
-Magic Missile (I might have mentioned it before, but a saving throw means the creature dodged the missile & is negated. One must be made for each magic missile, so it's possible some missiles are dodges and some aren't)
-Clairvoyance (works like farsight, except it can only be cast in explored areas)

I have also decided it might be best to disable the visual range limit of many spells. Rather, there will be a range limit. So it's possible to cast a spell on creatures the spellcaster may not necessarily see (but allies see it). Some spells will require visual range (such as fireball) because it looks a bit wierd if you have a ball of flame pass through walls and the like.

There are a series of other updates I forgot to mention. One of them is progress on the spell overlapping of Lost Crossroads.

I found it ridiculously annoying when you have an enemy fire elemental with a high fire resistance and you cast resist fire/cold (for cheese, perhaps) on the fire elemental, only to find out the fire elemental is now vulnerable to fire. The same applies to the spell, Strength of One, and other not-so-useful strength spells.

I am revamping this so bonuses overlap rather than the latest bonus setting the resistance/stat.

Example #1: Shiva a specialty priest of mystra has a fire resistance of 65% (due to a magical ring), and a cold resistance of 0%. She casts a Resist Fire/Cold on herself, thus granting a 50% resistance to both fire and cold. Since her cold resistance is under 50%, her cold resistance is raised to 50%. However, her fire resistance is above 50%, so her fire resistance remains unaltered until her ring is removed and her fire resistance drops below 50%, in which case the bonus of 50% fire resistance comes into effect until the spell duration expires. Casting an Elemental Barrier (which sets all elemental resistances to 75%) will make that spell overlap with existing resistances.

The same applies to all strength-enhancing spells unless noted.

I have already coded some parts of this system come into play, and it's quite easy once you know the trick to it. This will also eliminate the well-known cheese of setting the creatures' stats to a lower value (such as casting the 5th level cleric spell, Magic Resistance on a Dragon, bypassing saving throws and magic resistance).


To compensate for what little was done, I have converted 348 spell icons today, Lightspeed is diligently working on the new interface, and Sir-kill of the Sol-ek-sa is making several new 256 colour spell icons (like the ones used in IWD2/PST).

So far, things are turning out perfectly. smile.gif

Redone chaos, so a saving throw is only applicable for fighters and wizards (sorcerers, dual/muti-classed mages, specialist mages, and mages uncluded. Bards are excluded).

I haven't done the intelligence part of the spell (if your intelligence is high enough, you get a saving throw) yet, due to hardcoded issues. wink.gif I'll get around doing that some later day.


Done a slew of GuI work. All of the buttons, as well as the cursors were redone. I find the new feel of BG2 just about 'perfect' (I even got carried away playing the game, that's how impressive the design is). I'll post screens in a few days (I am a bit reluctant about the latter).

QUOTE(Galactygon @ Aug 13 2004, 09:12 PM)

Done a slew of GuI work. All of the buttons, as well as the cursors were redone. I find the new feel of BG2 just about 'perfect' (I even got carried away playing the game, that's how impressive the design is). I'll post screens in a few days (I am a bit reluctant about the latter).


I would definitely like to give that a look. New GUI gives a new feel to the game, and maybe you could even get the DLTC team to hire you for new GUIs. wink.gif
Personally I feel a new GUI would merit packaging as a mod by itself. Hint hint... screens please! smile.gif
The following spells have been altered today:

-Detect Invisibility
-Invisibility Purge
-Cone of Cold

Detect Invisibility allows the caster to detect invisible creatures, thus he may target them unless they have a Nondetection active. It lasts for 5 rounds/level, and invisible enemy creatures falling within the caster's line of sight have their invisibility somewhat dispelled, but not completely (as Invisibility purge).

Invisibility purge now an abjuration spell belonging to the sphere of wards. It is an area effect spell of 10-yard radius per level. It dispels invisible character, but not ones affected by a nondetection spell. In P&P, invisible characters who are visible within an Invisibility Purge were supposed to become invisible once out of the area effect, and nondetection doesn't work against it. Since it is not possible to implement the becoming invisible part in BG2, I have reversed those 2 properties above.

Cone of cold's area effect now increases as you level up, as it should be.

Hence the incomplete new site, I am describing on what I've done in detail. That should change soon, and I will simply list the spells I redone.


The following spells have been altered:

-Mirror Image
-Sunsorch (it was a TDD spell, but it's altered. Not having TDD will result a new spell being put into the game).

Mirror image lasts for 3 rounds/level and conjures 1D4 + 1/3 levels of images. Up to a maxiumum of 5-8 (1D4 + 4) images can be conjured. This time, the random number of images work, as intended.

Sunscorch does considerable damage and more damage if the creature is undead. Also, blindness may occour. A saving throw negates this spell entirely. Since BG2 is a dungeon-indoor mod, I have lifted the restriction of casting this spell outside.

Also, as for cone of cold, the area effect can be as small as the burning hands (for level 1 mages), or as large as 1 800 by 600 screen diagonally (for a level 20+ mage).

Don't know if this is relevant - the only PnP reference to a Sunscorch spell I could find in the Wizards Spell Compendium (Vol. 4) is:


Level: 3
Range: 5 yds/level
Casting Time: 3
Duration: Instant
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Save: half damage

When a wizard casts this spell, an intense blast of heat emanates from his hand, forming a narrow beam that curves around obstacles and moves to follow its target, striking as unerringly as a magic missile spell.

The beam bakes the target with 6d4 points of heat damage - plus an additional 2d4 if the creature is wearing armour or physically touching any metal weapon or item larget than a sword, including a shield.

The sunscorch spell cannot be cast underwater or through water, including rain or fog.

The magical heat of this spell affects living flesh only, Undead or nonliving objects are immune, even if they are highly flammable or vulnerable to sunlight. Thus, a warrior carrying a skin of goat's milk can be coked to death while the milk remains col and unspoiled.

Common in Al-Quadim

Now where is the 'I had to go and look it up' smiley?

I am fairly sure the Sunscorch spell Galactygon is talking about is the 1st level priest spell from Player's Option - Spells & Magic.

Echon is right; I meant the 1st level priest spell, sunscorch. I still remember making the wizard spell for Vlad, when he requested 20 spells to be made for the new NeJ2 release that might come within a week or two (from what he said in e-mails, at least).


I have done the load game GuI and the loadbar GuI. I'll post some screenshots in a few days as well as increase the number of screenshots in the hall of shame gallery.

I have put the first level wizard spell, blindness into the second level wizard pool. Glitterdust is also redone, with proper variable durations, lighting, and such.

Would you consider making the GUI part a separate release?
QUOTE(Andyr @ Aug 19 2004, 09:52 PM)
Would you consider making the GUI part a separate release?

Yes. However, it won't involve any spell icons. That I am promising


Ghoul Touch is now a deadly spell, as it supposed to be. It not only affects humanoids with a paralyzing touch, but also a filthy stench of carrion shall envelop the touched humanoids, making everyone within 10 feet attempt a saving throw vs. death or have a -2 penalty on attack rolls.

I have also developed a new system with touch spells ~ the caster may use any number of touch spells (such as Lich Touch, Ghoul Touch, Chill Touch, and Imprisonment) as well as melee weapons can be used to transmit touch attacks. For example, this will prevent the spell, Star Metal Cudgel from being dispelled when the caster attempts to transmit a cause wounds spell.

As with the resistance overlapping system, I find this system incredibly useful and flawless (coding has started on this system as well). smile.gif

Marvellous and very promising!
QUOTE(Galactygon @ Aug 19 2004, 04:04 PM)
Echon is right; I meant the 1st level priest spell, sunscorch. I still remember making the wizard spell for Vlad, when he requested 20 spells to be made for the new NeJ2 release that might come within a week or two (from what he said in e-mails, at least).


Ahh... I didn't think to check the priest spells huh.gif sad.gif

I don't see why you could keep the 'outdoors only' restriction, (or even the 'only during daylight' option) - like call lightning - but thats just my opinion.

On a tangental subject, I notice that you've done two of the wall spells - have you done any of the others as well (wall of ice, wall of iron, wall of force, prismatic wall) or are you planning to do any of them?

I plan to do wall of ice. I already have the source; I just need some 3D artist to make the animation.

QUOTE(Galactygon @ Aug 20 2004, 06:17 PM)
Ghoul Touch is now a deadly spell, as it supposed to be. It not only affects humanoids with a paralyzing touch, but also a filthy stench of carrion shall envelop the touched humanoids, making everyone within 10 feet attempt a saving throw vs. death or have a -2 penalty on attack rolls.

It is actually a bit odd that they decided to add the carrion stench to this spell since that is one of the characteristics of the ghasts, and not the ghouls.

One can always rename the spell to 'ghast touch'. wink.gif


This should really be yesterday's update, but I am posting it now due to time constraints.

So far, I converted all levels 1-3 (and some level 4) wizard spells for a more closer representation to their P&P counterparts. I introduced a few new spells, namely Icelance, Gedlee's Electric Loop, Blink, and some others.

My personal favourite is Blink. It lasts for 1 round/level, and makes the caster blink in and out (or teleport) to a random location at a random time every round. It's quite nifty, since you never know when you blink. Even if you just blinked, it doesn't mean you don't blink the next second. I have had my mage have a blink interval of 1 second, and the other time, it was 11 seconds.

Every blinking in and out disrupts your spellcasting (if you were in the middle of the spell) as well as attacks. Of course, other creatures have their attacks and spellcasting disrupted as well if they were targetting the caster while he blinked in and out.

You should note that I won't be working as much on the mod as I did this previous week anytime soon, hence the large amount of work and studying I have to do. I wish myself good luck on that. smile.gif

One last statement I wish to say:

Can someone do me a large favour bymake a conversion of the spell, "Friends" and send it to me? Both the duration and the bonus is random, so that should be kept in mind when making the spell. I really can't do it the next few weeks, hence it's a huge favour for my part. smile.gif

This is only a small update, but not from my part. Grog has submitted me the friends spell, so that is taken care of. smile.gif

So, Galactygon, do you think it will take a lot more before the mod is completed? This is one of the most greatly expected mods of the last years, and I would be very very happy to see that happen soon!


PS: Just asking, not trying to rush you in completing it. smile.gif
It really depends on the circumstances. I can finish all the spells with ease (I have all the graphics and such done except for a few... PST cutscene-type spells several which have been de-cutscenized) during this year.

Kits and creatures as well as scripts will take a long time. If I can perhaps arrange for someone to do all the kits for me (or use LoI's kits and alter them), my workload will be cut down by more than half a year. Scripts and creatures will take another few months, as well as the GuI, unless I recieve some help to cut down on my workload. Such as someone making me the .cre files, etc., etc.

I will most likely release a beta (unavailable to the public) with all the spells but without the other features.

I don't know what percentage is done, neither did I know this is an extremely popular mod-in-progress. smile.gif


I finished the spell, 'implosion' with its full P&P incarnation. It's a spell that can be cast once per round for 3 turns. At the end of each round, a constitution check determines whether or not you can cast implosion again. If you fail the check, the spell ends, and you cannot use the implosion ability until you cast the quest level spell again. If succesfull, you can cast implosion during the next round, and you have another constitution check to see whether or not you can continue. Due to engine limitations, I have lifted the restriction of having to use one implosion each round. You can do other actions (although the 3 turns expire, as well as constitution checks keep happening once per round).

Thus, my test character who has 25 in all stats was able to use implosion 30 times, but Aerie failed her 2nd constitution check on the second round, being able to fire off the spell only twice.

The implosion effect itself kills creatures outright with a -4 saving throw penalty. I decided to use my own version for the graphics. The animation is quite ground-shaking as the air closes in on the target, crushing it into chunks.

I have also replaced 'Repulse Undead' with a slightly modified version of 'Undead Ward'.

Chaos has been redone in case I haven't mentioned it earlier.

Is the implosion spell a third imposion spell? or what? ohmy.gif
Gal and other Modders,

Look heres the deal, We all want all the mods right NOW!!!!! But we know that this can't be. I think that BG gaming will be around for a year or 3, but people will lose interest if they are waiting for things too long. I have been waiting since first announced at TeamBG. What could you put out in 2 weeks?? Then 3 months?? Then 6 months?? This way we all get new spells to play thought the game again and modders could add them to their mods (I know you have already done spells for modders). Then we could play though again and play new quest with your kits and creatures. I understand that large Quest mods may need to be released as 1 big release to make sence, but with things like this you can release a spells pack, kit pack and other packs as you have stuff ready.

On a personal note will Lost Crossroads be BP and BP/BGT compatible? I am think of the TDD spells and Full kit slots? Make a patch to uninstall some TDD Kits and spells to make your's work.

Thank you for all your hard work!

I think Galc originally was going to make this just for TDD/BP.

I too would be in favour of smaller standalone packages, such as the GUI revamp and spell revamp.
QUOTE(Andyr @ Aug 29 2004, 04:17 AM)
I too would be in favour of smaller standalone packages, such as the GUI revamp and spell revamp.

Personally, I would like to see the cleric kits of LC a standalone package. smile.gif
@Mindflayer: Get the Cleric Remix, it should take care of your request. smile.gif

@Others: I have always planned to make several beta releases (non-public from the start) that have this component in, and that component, etc.

As far as I know, only the GuI part will be released seperately in public.

Here's my reasonable excuse: All other components have to stick together. For example, if I try to put the redone spell icons in a seperate release, some spells which are deleted in Lost Crossroads (such as know alignment) will have their old spell icons, thus there will be an ugly mixture of both new and old spell icons. If I try to include the new spells seperately, 2 major errors will happen: The new spell icons that are used by those spells will look ugly next to the existing spells, and creatures using replaced spells in scripts will use them incorrectly. Here's an example: The level 4 spirit armor has been moved to level 3. The level 4 spirit armor slot was replaced by the spell, 'Mordenkainen's Force Missiles'. Now imagine what happens when you have several dozen enemy mages being scripted to cast whatever is in the slot of 'Spirit Armor' on themselves. I also cannot put the P&P monsters in a seperate mod unless you get really messy (like Caedwyr's P&P Celestials mod). And besides, they will use spells present in the Lost Crossroads addition.

Having Kits as a seperate component will also result in the inclusion of spells that will be present in the Spell Revamp part of LC.

Thus, that's why they are betas, not public releases. In the betas, you ignore (in my eyes, at least) a few of these inconsistencies that will eventually be eliminated. The public release comes when either:

a.) I 'mysteriously' disappear for more than one year without saying something. Then you have my permission to take over the project and release any betas. I really don't wish for this mod to befell the fate that did ToiW, and a few (or most) other mods...
b.) I announce when it is time

I am always next to flexibility, but it's not always worth it when you have to sacrifice the quality and harmony of the mod. Hence the 'Compatible Patches' weren't discovered without a good reason. smile.gif

QUOTE(Galactygon @ Aug 19 2004, 09:34 PM)

I have done the load game GuI and the loadbar GuI. I'll post some screenshots in a few days as well as increase the number of screenshots in the hall of shame gallery.

I have put the first level wizard spell, blindness into the second level wizard pool. Glitterdust is also redone, with proper variable durations, lighting, and such.


Footnote/reminder. there are CHU differences between SOA and TOB that prevent them from being cross compatable with respects to the GUI. I know we talked about this on another forum, but I've had a playtested with TOB verify it. if you don't adjust the CHU the menues will be compatable with both versions.
I have no intentions on making a SoA-only version. It is made for ToB.

QUOTE(Galactygon @ Sep 2 2004, 02:11 AM)
I have no intentions on making a SoA-only version. It is made for ToB.


Oh, thought you might be making one compatable with both. my error.
Who just plays a SoA game? Sure we may not get all the way to ToB, but not have it installed??
QUOTE(Chev @ Sep 2 2004, 07:20 AM)
Who just plays a SoA game? Sure we may not get all the way to ToB, but not have it installed??

I haven't been able to find it it a store ANYWHERE... and to answer the next question; yes I lived in the woods for the last two years.
A significant minority don't have ToB, yes.
In case someone is curious, I have attatched my own creation of implosion. smile.gif

You might need DLTCEP, Near Infinity, or Infinity Explorer to view those animations.

BAMW1 and BAMW2 are also fine, but I couldn't find any links to those tools, since TeamBG is down.

It also has a .vvc file (if you wish to use it for modding), as well as a soundfile that I made.


Done a great deal of scripting today. I did this for variety, as most people tend to get bored after giving the 100th spell a fix. smile.gif

I modified the WTASIGHT.bcs script file today, which is a script used by many of the creatures. I'll upload it in the workroom ASAP.

I made creatures act more upon their intelligence rather than simply saying "it's a smarter targetting system, etc.". Really, would a gibbering idiot figure out he is in a cloudkill? No. smile.gif

This will give way to more realistic combat, where ogres are the big brutes who think little, but it will be harder to fight against the sly baatezu.

BTW: Can someone do me a large favour? Can someone give me a list of the names of internal doors, but indicate whether or not the door requires a specific key to open or is a game-breaker? Thanks to whoever completes the favour for me. smile.gif


Aside from those beta packs I made these past weeks, there was little much else going on.

However, I have nearly finished coding the spell, Seven Eyes, and it was quite a monster to code. It was, in fact, harder to code than the spell, Prismatic Sphere. I think it works better than what the Black Isle team did in the Icewind Dale series.

However, I haven't completely finished it yet. I have to code each poisonous item, for example, to remove the eye of venom. I figured this could only be done in WeiDU, since it would be quite cool to have mod items dispel a part of the 'Seven Eyes' spell.

Now, I would certainly appreciate WeiDU assistance from any WeiDU guru out there; it has to do with modifying a part of the items' extension header. I would certainly have the gratitude of someone who can undertake this task for me. I'll give any details to those who volunteer.

For those who are curious, here is a test run as proof of what is possible:-Galactygon

[EDIT] Some links are still faulty. Give me a few hours and I'll fix them.
The last four screen shots are the same and the one with magic missile has a lightning bolt instead. By the way, it is called expend and not expand. Other than that, nice work. Must have taken quite some time.

Also, it'd be nice if the spell would have at least one unique string in case the mage chooses to expend an eye's power for offensive use. The current "the eye absorbs the effect and disappears" line is very unfitting.
I was aware of the faulty strings and such from th start, but didn't bother to make corrections until I have a rouch version working (the screenshots are really my second run). However, as time progresses, they will be corrected.

Not everything in Seven-eyes can be implemented; rather than blocking the next physical attack for the eye of the sword, I made it block all attacks, and the next point blank attack or melee attack cancels the orb.

It was also late at night when I typed the above topic (man, I never have any time before the evening on weekdays), so forgive me for any spelling errors I commited (and still do).

*corrects the above post*

Links are now corrected to their screenshots. You should note that I copied + pasted several strings from IWD, so I still have the Eye of Fortitude string instead of the Eye of Artifice (they weren't able to implement the stuff I can; even with the decompiled .exe at their hands!).


I have backed my work up in 4 different places (I do it on a regular monthly basis).

One of them is backed up on my laptop, the other one on a different harddrive on the same computer, the initial one I am working on, one on a CD, and one on the BW server. There is simply no possible way my work can be lost, as opposed to the foolish mistakes I committed a year ago.

After Seven-Eyes, I will be making the 'Resist elementXYZ' spells that also grant saving throw bonuses to specific types of damage (I was able to code some of that, so I know it is possible to implement).

You should note that I copied + pasted several strings from IWD, so I still have the Eye of Fortitude string instead of the Eye of Artifice (they weren't able to implement the stuff I can; even with the decompiled .exe at their hands!).

I can practically guarentee then could implement absolutely anything they wanted.
QUOTE(igi @ Oct 12 2004, 08:49 PM)
I can practically guarentee then could implement absolutely anything they wanted.

With all the bosses and managers behind their backs making stuff get cut? tongue.gif

Then it's not a case of not being able to implement, but more a case of not having time to implement. If so, it's nothing to comment on, seeing as you *dont* have bosses and managers on your back...

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