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Full Version: Concerning the Herbal Mod for BG1
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate, BG1Tutu, BG Trilogy > Small mods, tweaks and fixes
Just recently got into BG1 [5 disk set] and happened across the Herbal Mod while browsing through the forum. Followed the install instructions for the BG1 download, met Julius, got the herbs and then...

1) Can't find the herbal shop anywhere I've looked in Nashkel

2) Right-clicking on the fiery drake and Gaia poison herbs brought up the their descriptions, but right-clicking on all the rest crashed the game with a D-drive Assertion failure. [My D-drive being my CDrom]

I did the full-install for the game, and I've read through postings to see if anyone else has had this prob. Being a newbie to most things besides point-and-click;
I'd be grateful for any assistance with this.

Hi kix,
the herbalist is standing outside, accompanied by a golem, in South-East of the Nashkel map. There should be a map in the readme showing the exact location.

For the game crashing: I have the suspicion that the mod needs TotSC installed to work properly.

I am sure Baronius (who is the author of the herbs mod) will help you, soon. smile.gif
I haven't got such report so far, and at the moment I can only think of the same as jastey: TotSC may be needed. (It shouldn't require TotSC though, at the moment I've no idea why it crashes or why it would need TotSC.)
Do you have any other mods installed?
Many thanks for responding jastey & Baronius.
The herbal shop is the only mod I've added, except today I added the 30th Level tweak I recently picked up.

Please check the Read Me for the Herbal shop; everytime I click on the 'you can see this map ' link, I get a 'File Not Found'.

I'll see if I can find the entrance later [thanks jastey].

I recently picked up another copy of BG which includes ToftSC [original saga], Shadows of Amn and ToB.[Isn't Ebay and the used item stuff great?].
Eventually, I'll install them - I've just been having a great time doing different characters and combinations in my first BG1.

Since I'm a complete newbie with the mods, any recommendations you can render would be welcome. I've got only dial-up, so the 100+MB ones I've seen listed are out for now. I downloaded one marked 'Harder' to increase difficulty and xpts earnings, but I'll have to re-do the download - it came over corrupted.

When I install SoA, do you recommend BGtutu?
BGTutu isn't for SoA -- it is for BG1/TotSC.

The readme file and link was okay except on the BWL site where now I've just corrected it. You must have tried the "this map" link on the BWL site, and not on your local copy of the mod (on your HDD), right?
Yes, Baronius, I used the link on the BWL site. Thanks for the correction on BG1tutu.

Update on Herbal Store Difficulties:
I started a new game, instead of continuing a current one; and the Druid, Rock Golem and store appeared in the SW Corner of Nashkel with no problems.
Got herbs from Julius' corpse. When right-clicking on Green Drakestongue and Yxunomei's Curse - received the herbal descriptions. When right-clicking on Stormspit, Springrose and Jester Grass - got the following error:
An Assertion Failed in D:\Dev\Baldur\InfScreenInventory.cpp at line number 9092.

Proceeded back to the herbal shop and brewed a Strong Healing Elixir. Potion was received and worked just fine.

I love this mod, the preparation process is great!

The description prob is insignificant compared to the enhancement.
Is there a mod that improves stacking, but doesn't necessarily change anything else?

Thanks for the mod
Thanks for the compliments about the mod biggrin.gif

You say you've started a new game -- do you have TotSC (Tales of the Sword Coast) installed?
I finally got around in installing my copy of the Original Saga with TotSC, and re-installed your herbal mod [along with Ease of Use and Vault v4 mods]. All work perfectly without any probs at all. Many thanks to all who make these great mods.

I'm anxiously awaiting the BG QuestPack tongue.gif

Also, for a suggestion, I mod that allows the player to further "adjust" degrees of overall gameplay difficulty [hp's, thaco's, etc] might be desired by many players.
I realize that there is one called Harder, but according to the read-me it offers only set values [hpx3+50, etc] and does not un-install without uninstalling the entire game. Perhaps an incremental adjustment like, but greater than, the Difficulty adjustment within BG itself - but with additional xpts rewards.

Thanks to all again
kix smile.gif
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