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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Realms of the Wyrm > Belching Dragon Tavern
I liked it very much, it was darker and better than the first two. (My order, from the best to the worst: 1.Classic SW Trilogy /Episode 4-5-6/ 2.Episode III 3.Episode II 4.Episode I -- although that was good too.)
well that movie confused me...

first it says sith is good,

then it says jedi is good...

and all the while that old dude emperor (i am really bad with names) was convincing sith were good and had cool powers...

but then you know that the jedi are "good" but it's all confusing... tongue.gif
I saw it yesterday and I was a bit disappointed. It seems all a bit artificial and constructed. Does anyone in this film talk normally? There was way too much melodramatic...

What I appreciated was how they closed the gap to the old films, though. But on the other side, if this restriction would not have been, maybe the film would have been better.

My score: 3 points out of 10. cool.gif
Does anyone in this film talk normally? There was way too much melodramatic...

Maybe the German dubbing sounded that way (unless you refer to what they say, and not to how they say it). I didn't have any problem with this.

If we are at scores, I'd give the following to the SW films:
Classic Trilogy (I don't intend to rate them separately now): 10/10
SW Episode I: 6/10
SW Episode II: 7/10
SW Episode III: 8/10

(Well, it would be important to define the meaning of the scale's levels, but nevermind. You give 3/10 which is interesting, because normally on a scale where 10 is the best, 3 points show that the film was near horrible/unwatchable -- and I doubt that about Ep3...)

I think that the Classic Trilogy is much better (no matter how many high-tech effects they added to the new movies) because that time there weren't so powerful computer-based effects, and due to the more "natural" tricks, the creatures became more plastic, and such...
Funny thing is: The more I think about the film, the more I see that the story is actually really good, how all the developements are shown etc. But still: What I mean by melodramatic is the way the scenes are filmed, how people interact etc. It's an american way of melodrama which is too much for me sometimes. No offence meant.
I don't think it's melodramatic. The scenes are spectacular, lots of super-effects, and this is the main reason for the movie's success (beside the good story).
I thought it was a little rushed, especially towards the end. An extra 10-15 minutes further exploring the lead-up to and the aftermath of Anakin's fall would have been nice.
Right. They had to keep a limit in the movie's length, and organized the scenes according to this too. (Though I don't know exactly how long this episode was.)
Over an hour shorter than Return of the King smile.gif.
It was easily the best of the prequels but its got nothing on the classics. I'd give it 7/10. I still prefer models to cg, they just have a much more gritty and realistic look to them - none of this shinny and unrealistic textures stuff. Lucas doesnt seem to understand that cg should aid the story (like in lotr) and not be the focus of it (attack of the clones). You shouldnt notice if something is cg - if you do its a failure as an effect! The writing wasnt the greatest - empire strikes back was streets ahead. There were a few continuity errors as well: leia says in return of the jedi that she remembered her mother was beautiful but sad and that she died when she was very young - this cant be since padme died in child birth, obi wan was present at both leia and lukes birth and yet in empire strikes back he says that luke was their last hope which yoda replies no there is another - meaning he didnt know about leia.
leia says in return of the jedi that she remembered her mother was beautiful but sad and that she died when she was very young - this cant be since padme died in child birth

I also noticed it when watching the movie: it's simply unbelievable that they have made such an ENORMOUS mistake.
I thought she was talking about her adoptive mother?
That's not too likely, because in the New Hope, Luke's first appearance is with the old man and woman who adopted him (the young guy and his girlfriend from Episode II). After meeting with Ben Kenobi, he returns and sees both of them destroyed, as well as their home...
We're talking about Leia's adoptive mother (i.e. the wife of Bail Organa, Councellor of Alderaan), not Luke's wink.gif.

Incidentally, Luke's adoptive father is his uncle, the stepbrother of Anakin smile.gif.
I thought she was talking about her adoptive mother?
When luke talks to leia in return of the jedi he says; Do you remember your mother, your real mother? I have no memory of my mother. Then leia replies with that, so I suppose if leia didnt know she was adopted (possible since she is leia organa) she might have been talking about bail organa's wife. Hmm I guess I've never looked it at like that when luke tells leia that vader is her father its double whammy - vadar of all people is her father and shes adopted meaning her parents werent her real parents.
We're talking about Leia's adoptive mother (i.e. the wife of Bail Organa, Councellor of Alderaan)

Whoooops... I quote something in my post and then I start talking about something entirely different... I think I need to have a rest before writing any more posts. wacko.gif
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