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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Mods under development - Baldur's Gate II > Lost Crossroads
Today is the exact date of when I started working on this mod. In February of 2003, I have downloaded my first tool (IEEP) and I wanted to make some ridiculously overpowered spells (yes, I was one of those people who have been dazzled by the cutscene at the end of Chateu Irenicus). After awhile, I realized that it took the fun out of gaming and some (existing) spells were something similar!

So I decided on March 30, 2003, to make some sort of a mod that balances the spells (including TDD and all those nice big mods of that time). Of course, it eventually evolved to be a mod that rebalances the spells by making them closer to PnP (I particularily like how they balance out the elements of the game). I wasn't sure whether or not I would release the mod, so I decided to keep it a secret and not register at the TeamBG forum until I am positive the mod shall be released.

So, I kept on working quietly until July (4th or 5th - I can't remember) when I registered at TeamBG. Back at TeamBG, I kept a sort of a modding diary in the TDD board (some people might actually remember this). I remembered it took months to convince Deano to provide me a forum for this mod, but I succeeded at around December of 2003. I stayed there until TeamBG kicked the bucket, that is, until TeamBG was hacked into. I first decided to wait for an entire month and see if TeamBG would come back (at the moment, I thought it was only temporary). During my wait, I started planning which community I should move to. Finding one was no problem (I recieved invitations from nearly every community out there). Choosing a more permanent one was a problem, since that meant I had to work with those people.

After much deliberations with myself, I decided to choose this one, since I liked the Blackwyrm the most.

This mod has been going on for 2 years (few unreleased mods go that far), has been through 2 Harddisk failures (the ultimate bane of modding), and will make it to the light of the day ~ it's only a question of time.

Back at TeamBG, I kept a sort of a modding diary in the TDD board (some people might actually remember this)

I remember - I swear that was only a few months ago. How time flies.
That would mean my mods have been in progress for... *shudders*.

Congrats on sticking it out so long smile.gif
This mod has been going on for 2 years (few unreleased mods go that far), has been through 2 Harddisk failures (the ultimate bane of modding), and will make it to the light of the day ~ it's only a question of time.

This is really the mod I'm most looking forward to and will wait as long as it takes for it to be released. smile.gif

Galc, I don't know if you are still planning this mod to be installed over the Big Picture, but I don't honestly see how it has been possible for you to keep your mod up to date with all of the patches that come out for the mods you are utilizing. Good work thus far!
Galc, I don't know if you are still planning this mod to be installed over the Big Picture, but I don't honestly see how it has been possible for you to keep your mod up to date with all of the patches that come out for the mods you are utilizing.

Well... I don't really have the spirit to keep up with Big Picture anymore (in terms of the large number of patches and such), especially since both of the times I had BP installed (I read every installation manual, so I did it correctly), I had to uninstall it due to the Everest-high pile of frustrations I experienced.

However, since BP finally decided to go WeiDU, there is a very high chance that compatibility will be ensured by the community by the time the mod is released. And, I think it's a better idea since by then, most (or hopefully all) of the bugs will be fixed and I don't have to worry about patches BP adds.

fallen demon
I remember that thread (I might just have been a lurker then). Also, I never knew you started work on my birthday.
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