You can set your skin choice in 'My Control'/'Skin and Languages' section.
There are 6 skin sets available at the moment:
- Lair of the Wyrm RPG STYLE
- Lair of the Wyrm RPG LITE STYLE
- Lair of the Wyrm CLASSIC STYLE
- Breath of the Wyrm RPG STYLE
- Breath of the Wyrm RPG LITE STYLE
- Breath of the Wyrm CLASSIC STYLE
RPG Style contains Awake's images. RPG Style Lite is the same with the exception of the Search image which is Glasses instead of a Beholder Eye. Classic Styles are the original versions.
I am absolutely satisfied with the images. If I really want to do some nit-picking, I could say that in the birthday image (where the wyrm hatchling leaves the egg), the other broken half of the egg could be added to the right side of the picture. This would make the symbolic meaning of the image more obvious. Maybe it is just me who would prefer it in this way. But that's really just extreme nit-picking. The set is great.
Please accept my congratulations, Awake! Good job!