Jan 24 2005, 08:17 PM
Jeeves 1.1
Pretty simple, really.
Consists of an item that summons a storekeep who sells only ammo. If you play with Ease of Use -- Stacking, it probably has little value, since you can fill your backpack with more missiles than one could possibly fire in one lifetime. If you are not playing with Ease of Use -- Stacking, though, in addition to the advantage of having an ammo store on the road, he also sells taller stacks.
I'm considering including the "special" missiles which will allow the player to take advantage of his strength bonus (DMG, p. 64), so as to give people a reason to take some missile weapon other than bow. Let me know if you would be interested in that, as it will impact game balance.
Don't have a good way of getting the item into the game at present. I'm in the middle of a mod in which I will place it as loot, (changed a little -- the price is absurdly low, as is the identify percentage, for testing purposes) but I wanted a little feedback about whether people would find it worth filling space on the hard drive.
Other possibilities are that I could just WeiDU in a pack of gibberlings on the road to Beregost or something like that. I don't want to diddle with existing encounters or anything like that, and I don't like the plot device of having someone wander up and give it to you, and I especially don't like having to steal the darned thing (like with Algernon's Cloak). Any other suggestions, though?
Yes, it is WeiDU, so should be compatibile with other WeiDU mods. Tested on BG and ToSC. Has not been tested on DSotSC, but I don't know any reason why it should not work, unless for some reason someone else created a store or creature with the name "JUNK"
Unzip like any other Weimer mod, extracting it into the game folder so that folders are preserved. You will know you did it right if it creates a folder named "jeeves". The setup-jeeves.exe and .tp2 should end up in the game directory. Run the exe.
Revision History
1.1 As noted in discussion, BG1 has no Per Day option. Instead of being changed back into an expendable item, it is now permanent, as desired. Per feedback from playtesters, it also charges the user a small amount of gold per use.
Jan 24 2005, 09:28 PM
Very useful little mod!
The ammo supplying way is very good (summoning a merchant). Ease of Use -- Stacking (as well as EoU itself) is only for beginners (who hopefully will get better with time) or for weaker players anyway.
Jan 25 2005, 04:00 AM
Can anyone think of an item which is usable once per day? I copied Algernon's Cloak, then looked at Cloak of the Wolf, and then browsed through the whole list on DLTCEP. I couldn't find an example of that kind of item. Then as I was sifting through my notes from modding a few years back, I see that the general consensus was that feature was not correctly implemented, which was another good reason to do stuff mostly for BG2.
Anyway, if anyone can think of an item like that from BG1, please let me know. Otherwise, I'll just have to work with it.
Anyway, I packaged up the same thing, but he unsummons much more quickly (avoiding the congestion problem I was thinking one could arrange at the denouement to make it a little easier
) and he is summonable at will, just like Algernon's Cloak and Cloak of the Wolf.
Any way I can either change the original file or upload this new one?
Jan 25 2005, 02:25 PM
There are no items in BG1 that are usable once (twice, etc.) per day. That is a feature of many BG2 items.
Jan 25 2005, 02:58 PM
The "Per Day" flag doesn't work in BG1 as far as I'm aware.
Jan 25 2005, 03:41 PM
Thanks. When I was last modding DLTCEP was called "Item Checker", I think. Heck, it took me a couple hours to remember how LeaveAreaLUA(...) works when I was dinking with the base mod.
Anyway, is it possible to upload the corrected version somewhere?
Jan 25 2005, 06:59 PM
Thorfinn: What's the problem? You can edit your initial post and replace its file attachment as well as post the new file in a new post
Sim's post reminds me to pay the public's attention to a certain thing (it may be nitpicking but still).
There is no such flag in BG1 as "per day". We say it does not work but that field is not used at all.
Why do we say "it does (not) work"? Because unfortunately certain parts of BG1's IE hacking (or according to the current fashion: IE description) are using the results of BG2's description. So simply we use the terms used in case of BG2 and determine if they work in BG1 or no. Theoretically this is incorrect, even if it does not cause any problem practically.
Jan 25 2005, 09:20 PM
I'm going to feel really stupid if I have something set wrong in my browser or something, but I really do not see anything to change the attachment, or add one to this post. I've clicked all over trying to see if there was some button that IE didn't display for some reason.
Where is it supposed to be? I've tried that blank space between the box for entering the reply and the checkbox for "Enable emoticons" I've tried behind them. I've tried all the way across the bar with Add Reply and Preview Post. I've even viewed the source. I just don't see any way of attaching a file.
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Jan 26 2005, 08:18 AM
I can't attach in this post either.
Jan 26 2005, 01:51 PM
Sorry, uploading was disabled. I wonder how Thorfinn managed to attach a file... it seems that it worked for the initial posts of topics then.
I've just enabled it, now it should work.
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