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Full Version: Just started IWD
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Realms of the Wyrm > Gaming discussion, D&D, screenshots > Icewind Dale, Heart of Winter, Trials of the Luremaster
Larechs Heljuzt
I've just recently found this incredible community (modding) when I was looking for an update to BG. This has been a most enjoyable experience - knowing there are others out there who update and add-on to existing games, it's just fantastic.
Here's my question: I've read a few posts and have seen update and patches for IWD HoW and TotL. I just got IWD and with Interplay gone I've only been able to find the patches to the expansions. Does anyone know where I can download the actual expansions (ie HoW and TotL) so I can patch and play them? Thanks for your help!
Awww.... this wonderful community? Yes, Black Wyrm is a wonderful community. There's no denying that biggrin.gif

Anyways, I know that you can download it at file planet...

*searches fileplanet*

There are most of the Icewind Dale downloads there. You have to register there to download them. sad.gif
If you don't want to register there, I believe that I have an account there, it says I do...

Wow, I found it. It's sooooo original....

Username: The Wyrm <---I just changed my username there biggrin.gif
Password: blackwyrm

It's set up for cable connection.
Stone Wolf
With Fileplanet you don't even need to remember your login. They never verify your email, so I just make up a new login with fake info every time I go to download something.
laugh.gif I do the same thing. But apparently it remembered me from...god, I can't even remember the last time I went there... It's been months since I downloaded from there.
QUOTE(Larechs Heljuzt @ Jan 18 2005, 02:01 AM)
I've just recently found this incredible community (modding) when I was looking for an update to BG. This has been a most enjoyable experience - knowing there are others out there who update and add-on to existing games, it's just fantastic.
Here's my question: I've read a few posts and have seen update and patches for IWD HoW and TotL. I just got IWD and with Interplay gone I've only been able to find the patches to the expansions. Does anyone know where I can download the actual expansions (ie HoW and TotL) so I can patch and play them? Thanks for your help!

You can check the thread with IWD links here. There is the patch for sinlge IWD game...
Larechs Heljuzt
Thank you everyone! I was finally able to download TotL (that's a big one - 73mb). HoW I guess is not downloadable (or at least I couldn't find it) so I'm going to Ebay to get it. In the mean time I'll download the single game patch and start playing - Again thanks for all the help! biggrin.gif
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