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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Mod development resources & discussion > Modder's Studio of Arts
Hi, I have the following BAM requests.

I need flower BAMs, original from the Faerun flower "Velvetheart". The only thing I know about it is that it's red and as big as a man's thumb nail. I need the BAMs to make flower items for a romance mod.


I attach some flower pictures which I find useful. The flower should be red, though.

I need the following BAMs:

Inventory BAMs:
1. One fresh flower (one blossom or more depending on whether the artist making the BAM thinks there is more than one blossom on one stem wink.gif)

2. the same flower wrinkled and dry (well, how it would get after being carried around for some time...)

3. a similar flower (not necessarily the same as above, but still the same type of flower) in wrinkled fashion as if it was destroyd by stepping on it (not dry)

Description BAM:
1. one non-coloured description BAM of one blossom.

New attachement: Velvetheart orchid (link in this thread)
Here the pic of one flower (e.g. for the description BAM)
Here was another flower picture but I decided to take it out.
OK, here's my first attempt at the first flower. Don't get all excited while you wait for it to load. I'm not quite sure if this is what you want. I'm not even sure if it's red.... laugh.gif

Anyways, how's this?

EDIT: Wow, it looks a lot worse as a .jpg.....
Thanks, Awake! The flower looks great, although I would like to have it more red...
I wouldn't mind if a bit of the stem could be seen, too, but that's not really necessary. Can you make it a real red? smile.gif
Fine fine fine. Whatever.... don't have to be so demanding.... tongue.gif tongue.gif

laugh.gif OK, i'm not quite sure about this, but tell me if this is more what you were looking for. I made the stem myself biggrin.gif

Once again, .jpg makes everything look bad. sad.gif
The colour is great, the stem is magnificent tongue.gif If you make the blossom a bit bigger I think I'll be pleased. *be demanding*

Alright here we go. Heh, I think it's bigger... I sure the heck hope so.... if it's not then I'll try again. It should be a bit bigger though... Heh...
I like this one. smile.gif Thanks, Awake! I guess you post it as a BAM now, and then you create the other BAMs, yes? tongue.gif
I really wish I could say yes, but unfortunately BamWorkshop does not want to recognize my stem. sad.gif So, as soon as I figure out what the heck is wrong with it I'll upload it.
Sorry that you have so much work with this... sad.gif But before you spend too much time on this (or even give up, leaving me without a BAM ohmy.gif ): Skip the stem, enlarge the blossoms size to the picture's size, that would be OK, too. smile.gif
Heh, no problem. And don't worry about me doing too much work on this. I make bams. Perhaps not as much as Sir-kill, but I make bams. biggrin.gif

I need to fix the blossom anyways. It's not detailed enough.
*cough* You are still working on those flower BAMs, yes? unsure.gif
Alright, here's one that I didn't make. It's a rose, actually two, and I like this one much more than the other that I made. Next post will have the one I made in it.
That rose BAM is very nice indeed. Where is it from, could it be used (with agreement of the author)? Roses do nearly always fit into a romance, maybe I make some additional flirt...

Still I need the BAMs I specified above, so I'm looking foreward to your next post. smile.gif
yeah, they were part of a free bam pack. i won't go into details. it's fine though.

as for the one you want...well...there's barely any detail in it, but I'll still do it. If you can wait...
Jastey, I've very sorry about not having this done. Hopefully you will be able to get Sir-kill, Chevar, or someone else here to do it. I would do what I could on it, but school is my highest priority right now, and I would like to pass this quarter. I've been slacking off for years now and need to get serious. I doubt that I'll be able to get it done any time soon. sad.gif I'm very sorry about this. At least this way it will look good when it's done. I only have a few seconds on the computer when I get on, and those are mostly times that I only have a chance to add a bit to my scripts and do school work. Sorry about this.
Well, thanks for trying in the first case! smile.gif (And thanks for letting me know...)
I won't say anything against getting more serious with studying, that definitely comes first. Good luck!

OK, anyone ready to adopt this orphan? bigcry.gif
Sorry to throw a spanner in about now but i was looking at the flowers and thought I'd have one more look around the net and i found the following orchid which is actually called Velvetheart:

just thought you might be interested! it looks quite nice too!
That's a very nice pic! Thanks, Rabain! I replaced the flower pictures at the beginning of the thread, because I think they fit nicely.
here is a flower bam from Rabain's pic. hope it works.
Sir-Kill, this BAM is great! biggrin.gif Thank you very much!!

Now I hope you want to make the others, too... (I know it's a bit demanding, but I need the other flower "stages" for some coincidences in the romance...)
And the description BAM, of course. smile.gif
OK, I decided to place the request at SolEkSa, too (see here). Thanks for your help guys! smile.gif
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