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Full Version: Faerun flowers
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Realms of the Wyrm > Gaming discussion, D&D, screenshots > D&D
I'm looking for a picture of the Forgotten realms flower "Velvetheart":

This small red flower is native south of the High Moor and north of the Calim Desert. It prefers lightly shaded open fields and the banks of rivers and streams as a place to grow. Where it does grow, it grows in profusion, often taking over entire fields in its growth.

Velvetheart blooms in the late spring and early summer. In a cool summer, this flower may bloom a second time in the early fall. The flower is about the size of a man's thumb. Its odor is slight but slightly sweet. Honeybees and bumblebees seems to be attracted to its blooms.

Druids and herbal healers like to use the paste of its root. When combines with wine, this paste tends to stop bleeding and allow the body to heal faster. In game terms, this amounts to an immediate 1 hp recovery. Additionally, the recipient of this paste can heal 3 hp every day if he is under the care of healer and does nothing but rest.

Does anyone know of any source where there might be a picture, maybe in one of the D&D-books? I own none so I would be very grateful if anyone knows something about this and might even post a picture. Thanks!

PS: Of course I need this information for a romance mod... happy.gif
Jastey if I was you I would just pick a nice flower that seems similar to Velvetheart. If you are planning on making an item that would be the flower then it doesn't really matter as the description images are usually kinda brown and the inventory bams too small to see properly.

That being said i like flowers, if you do a search on Google images for Vervain, this has my vote.

I searched on Wsotc site and there is no mention of velvetheart at all!
I'm starting to think about doing that, Rabain, thanks! wink.gif I only wanted to check, after looking through Waterdeep sewer maps with listed entries to the city streets I believe in finding anything of the D&D world in some handbooks! But as somebody said: Sewer maps sell because you can fight in them, flower pictures don't ! tongue.gif
True, there may well be a picture of Velvetheart in some D&D source book but which one?!

Best to make it up and then your image becomes the standard! That's RP for you!
I've no idea in which one, that's why I'm posting here because somebody might know! biggrin.gif
Anyway, I think you are right about the size of the BAMs being too small to see anything properly anyway. Vervain is a nice suggestion, I looked some other flowers up lately but I will check that one, too. smile.gif
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