Dec 7 2020, 07:29 PM
Hello! Jericho2 translated this mod into Russian! Please add to the new version!
I am attaching the archive with the translation, a line for installing the Russian version has also been added to the TP2 file.
Dec 7 2020, 08:07 PM
QUOTE(Austin87 @ Dec 7 2020, 02:29 PM)

Hello! Jericho2 translated this mod into Russian! Please add to the new version!
I am attaching the archive with the translation, a line for installing the Russian version has also been added to the TP2 file.
I have to ask: has this been tested yet? It is not set up like any other extra language I have seen in other mods.
I will also need a translation for @93 = ~Give me some reputation.~ in RJINII1.tra.
Dec 7 2020, 08:45 PM
OK. I did an install with Russian, and everything looks OK in Near Infinity, but it does not translate well in the game. I checked out some other mods that have Russian translations, and they are considerably more complex. I can probably figure out the complexity, but the character sets do not look at all like the ones in your tra files.
Dec 8 2020, 02:31 AM
Now, I feel like a complete idiot! Going back to basics, I reset to the unmodified game, set the language to Russian, and installed the Jini mod with your tra and tp2 files. Hey, Presto! It worked just fine. My only excuse is that this is my first experience with other languages. Get me that translation I requested above, and I will get it released ASAP. Many thanx to both you Austin87 and Jericho2.
Dec 8 2020, 07:52 AM
Yeah everything is OK! ) I checked the translation in the game and it is displayed in the Russian version without problems!
Here is newline 93:
@93 = ~Дай мне немного очков репутации.~
Just in case, I also attach an archive where this new line was added.
Thank You!
Dec 8 2020, 12:39 PM
Great! I am releasing it now. It should be up in a day or two. Depends on how busy Baronius is, and that man has a LOT on his hands.
Dec 9 2020, 07:13 AM
Updated! Thank you very much!!!
Dec 9 2020, 02:22 PM
Dec 10 2020, 05:52 PM
Unfortunately, the Russian translation for Planescape Torment hasn't been made yet. Relevance? The only audio entry I have added for dialogue is Ravel's: "What can change the nature of a man?" So, until I can get a Russian rendering of this, it will come out in the Russian version in English. I have everything set up to accomodate Russian voice overs, but I need that audio clip. Does anyone have one?
Dec 10 2020, 08:04 PM
QUOTE(nullset @ Dec 10 2020, 08:52 PM)

Unfortunately, the Russian translation for Planescape Torment hasn't been made yet. Relevance? The only audio entry I have added for dialogue is Ravel's: "What can change the nature of a man?" So, until I can get a Russian rendering of this, it will come out in the Russian version in English. I have everything set up to accomodate Russian voice overs, but I need that audio clip. Does anyone have one?
Hello! Thank you for this question, but don't worry about it, because Russian voice acting exists only in an unofficial form and is not of very good quality, so almost all Russian players use the version with English sound, but Russian text.
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