He's not fancy, just a simple palette swap on the cornugon (same sounds and everything), to match this art:

(Sam Wood?)
I tried doing this initially with effects on the .cre, but couldn't get it to look good.
Is there a way to find out which hex numbers are valid to use for the .ini file and APPEND to animate.ids, as well as the reference number in the APPENDs to EXTANIM.2da and EXTSPEED.2da? Or is there a reservation database similar to the one for mod prefixes here? I understand Infinity Animations served this purpose but is incompatible with EE.
I have it in-game and working without overwriting anything currently, but at the moment I'm using the slot/numbers from another mod that I was checking my work against; I'm nottt sure how I'd go about ensuring better compatibility with other mods. Any pointers or insight would be appreciated.