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Full Version: Error Installing: Supported version that seems to be not recognized
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate, BG1Tutu, BG Trilogy > The Drizzt Saga

First of all, thank you for your efforts to make Baldur's Gate universe funnier and richer. We all should appreciate that.

Well, my problem can be seen in the attached picture. The installation system doesn't recognize my current BGEE version as a compatible one, although it also says it should. I've looked for a solution in readme file and open topics, but there are no one related with this specific one. What can I do to solve it?

I have ToB expansion installed and many other mods (maybe...?)

Thank you for your support thumb.gif

Maybe the last post here can help:

But also other mods may interfere... I don't know.
Hi, Baronius!

I checked that answer and someone suggests that we should install the core component first. Actually, that is the piece I was trying to install and (as readme fiel says) I am not prompted to choose between Default and BT-BGT Version because it is skipped.

Anyway, thank you very much for your time and the hint.

See you!

p.d.: Trying to install v3 mod too.
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