Here comes the moment to present the races of the TC. Except for humans and dwarves, there are not much like D&D races.
The Agone RPG presents 12 playable races, humans and seasonlings ('cos non-human races are said to have been created by the Season Ladies themselves):
- Humans: the name says it all
- Satyrs: the famous (or infamous)seductors and hedonists;
- Sprites: little humanoids who lives in city;
- Spriggans: similar to sprites but less resistant and prefer to live in nature, they share a special bond with trees;
- Giants: giant humanoids. They are peaceful despite their size and gentle-minded toward other races (except for those who are not respectful for nature)
- Minotaurs: tall humanoids with bull-like heads. They come from the Abyss, a demoniac underdark where their race keep the demons from fleeing to the surface. Playable minotaurs escaped long time ago and are very rare in Harmundia.
- Ogres: similar to human, they have more force and resistance and tend toward war (or violence in general). With sprites and dwarves, they are the most common of seasonlings;
- Dwarves: the good old dwarves.
- Black feys: seasonlings who look like little old women. They are very weak but make excellent magicians.
- Medusae: women with serpents instead of hairs

For this moment I plan to implement in the TC:
- humans

- ogres (in replacement of the half-orcs)
- sprites/spriggan (in replacement of the halflings)
- Satyrs/medusae (in replacement of the elves)
- dwarves
- minotaurs (in replacement of half-elves)
- black feys (in replacement of tieflings) - NPC race, not for players (too weak)
It would ne nice to make giants, but it would be overpowered and difficult to deal with quests, indoor areas, etc.