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Full Version: (Colored) Map of the Twilight Realms
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Mods under development - Baldur's Gate II > Inactive and waiting projects > Reign of the Masque
Here it is:
Ever been to Scotland? tongue.gif

Looks nice, is that the world map as it will appear in game?
1)Ever been to Scotland?
=>no. Only my parents had the chance rolleyes.gif

2)Looks nice, is that the world map as it will appear in game?
=>YES. The original picture I have is even much bigger than this one...
I can't see most of your pictures, egm. Those coming from this thread + all the screenshots one. And i'm not allowed to affich an avatar too...
I guess it's due to the change of provider...

I should re-upload them soon ph34r.gif
egm thats not how it looks like in the game atall... =l trying to find it lol
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