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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Mods under development - Baldur's Gate II > Inactive and waiting projects > Reign of the Masque
Here is Harmundia, in black and white. This map displays the Realms, important cities, budaa budaa...
Province liturgique (=Liturgical Province): imagine the Vatican with the size of Italia, and with BIG problems of religious fanatism, xenophobia and so on, and you have it.

Urguemand (=Urgamand): a feudal country, divided between 17 baronnies. The barons are lead by the First Baron, one of them chosen by all the others. They rule a land filled with knowledgeless people.

Janrénie (=Janrenia): an ancient monarchy recently replaced by a democratic assembly of woman. After a terrible war opposed Urguemand and Janrenia, women made their own revolution and put an end to the military and magical traditions of the realm.

République mercenaire (=Mercenary Republic): a strange land in whose every inhabitant is a fighter selling his skills for gold. Their money (the standard gold piece) is accepted through the entire world as it is spread in every realm...

Marche modéhenne (=Modehan Marches): a fantastic land of mountains, forests and ancient magic. The only place where you can fin tree-kings - huge trees (several hundred of meters) - and several other species. This realm is ruled by a council of druids.

Terres veuves (=Widow Lands): a land of artistic vocation, except that it is ruled by Medusae. Few humans are free, the most are slaves. Even other seasonlings (=the non-human playable races) don't feel secure in this land.

Empire de Keshe (=Keshite Empire): it's a harsh, hot, desert. People here are nomads and are the best merchants of all Harmundia. Despite its hard features, Kesh is an interesting place, as many old ruins are just waiting adventurers...

Enclave boucanière (=Buccaneer Haven): home of pirates who just attack EVERY boats of others country. They have survived so long because of the nature of the buccaneer coast, ever changing.

Communes princières (=Princely Communes): a land of corruption, of cities independant from each other, of sorcery, of invokation... My personnal favorite, a melting pot of russia and china, where war is a common thing.

Lyphane (=Lyphan): a land very similar to mongolia. Lyphanian are people very skilled in archery and riding.

Parages (Wild Reaches): the realm of Conan the barbarian biggrin.gif ! Seriouslly, there is no real civilization, apart tribes of savage men (and seasonlings) with no other rule than the force. Unfortunately, they have mastered the art of weaponry like no one...
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