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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Mods under development - Baldur's Gate, BG1Tutu, BG Trilogy > Enhanced Creatures
Modding activity: low-average

I don't spend too much time on this forum but you can follow my progress in my repository:

I'm focusing in my new script generator, which will be integrated in my new creature editor.
In the meantime, I will soon resume my work on my mod.
I can't find the time to do everything alone.
I was really excited about my new editor, it could be really good and very convenient to use. But the truth is, it takes a lot more time I initially planned.
Right now, I'm not even sure I could finish it within a reasonable amount of time (about one year). And by "finish", I definitly not include all features I wanted... especially the script generator part !

So what to do now? Baldur's Gate is now a game from the past and I am not motivated enough to spend thousands of hours to create a modding tool and a mod after.
With my current time, I assume it would take me about 5 years to do it. I haven't played at all sinnce 2007 and while I spent the last 2 weeks to reinstall everything, I will play it at least one or two times but that's pretty much all.

By thinking about small changes and then working by iterations, I could eventually do a mini-mod. But this is just an idea....
A real shame that all that effort didn't produce anything.

I wish you better luck for the future.
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