Jun 18 2011, 06:04 AM
Hello people!
Here I have the pleasure of introducing this little tweak of mine.
downloadable here)
In short this modification changes the game over condition for BG2, (Easy)TuTu and BGT so that the game won't finish when the protagonist dies but rather when the whole party is defeated. To accomplish this, a workaround is used: when the protagonist is knocked out cold (HPs one or less), the rest of the party continues the battle and if successful, the protagonist will join them back (although in need of urgent cure).
Just like for Cursed Items Revision, I didn't code it myself but rather had initial help by Miloch and talented Ardanis/GeNiE do most of the work. This modifiation needs Ascension64 ToBEx v20 or later to work (if this is not detected, it will be installed automatically).
Thanks and enjoy!
Dec 1 2011, 06:03 AM
okay, that's pretty sexy...
Dec 5 2011, 05:32 AM
A new version (1.1) is uploaded.
It includes a russian translation and a very important ToBEx update (to v21).
Dec 5 2011, 05:40 AM
QUOTE(reverendratbastard @ Dec 1 2011, 07:03 AM)
okay, that's pretty sexy...
It seems there are not many who are interested in this but I consider it a breakthrough.
Dec 16 2011, 02:45 PM
I LOVE this idea! I can't believe no one's done this before!
I can't wait to try it, but I am getting a corrupted download when I try from both the downloads page & the link on this forum topic page. Both links are downloading me a 855 KB file that won't open (corrupted) instead of a 966 KB file as the description says.
Thank you!
Dec 28 2011, 12:21 PM
Yes, this is a big deal. I will need to try this out. I have always hated that. Why can my clerics not have an opportunity to revive the protagonist? Thanks!
Dec 29 2011, 09:06 AM
There will very soon be an update of this mod. It will include a new version of ToBEx and more translations.
the size of the archive is right. It's the size reported at the download page being wrong. I have downloaded the file and opened it without any problem (I use 7zip) so the file is not corrupted. Still, I suggest you to wait untill version 1.2 is out.
Thanks for the kind words.
Dec 31 2011, 01:09 PM
I haven't downloaded the mod so I don't know if the ReadMe already answers this...
Some mods/quests/battles have a situation where the protagonist is fighting alone (e.g. dueling) thus the other party members cannot even assist -- how does your mod handle such situations?
Jan 2 2012, 12:05 PM
This mod is a GREAT idea!
I love fighting till the end, was always frustated (to say the least) to have to give up a fight when protag died and rest of party was still standing.
Just one question, I am not familiar with Tobex (think I might have installed it just once with many other mods), is there some known and obvious compatibility issues/checks to make with other mods?
Jan 3 2012, 05:39 AM
I am not the coder but I can try and answer your question. The scenario you are thinking about should not cause an issue for this modification in two cases: 1) The duel is not mortal 2) The duel is mortal but even if the party members are alive, they are not active (they're not in the party list but return to be only after the protagonist has survived the duel).
If instead the duel is mortal and the party members count as in the party, then I guess it all depends on the script. In normal case, the protagonist would get up with only little hit points but I would guess very different scripting conditions might apply there. Unfortunately I cannot say what happens by experience because the testing done on this mod has been only superficial.
Jan 3 2012, 05:47 AM
QUOTE(nicoper @ Jan 2 2012, 01:05 PM)
This mod is a GREAT idea!
I love fighting till the end, was always frustated (to say the least) to have to give up a fight when protag died and rest of party was still standing.
Just one question, I am not familiar with Tobex (think I might have installed it just once with many other mods), is there some known and obvious compatibility issues/checks to make with other mods?
Thanks for the compliments! I hope you'll have fun with Game Over on Party Dead!
ToBEx is created with full compatibility in mind. In fact, it works more like a Fixpack and as such should be installed just after the official patch. It requires Throne of Bhaal to work (it's one of the few good things about Throne of Bhaal, I guess...
). The only thing you must look out for is that some of its components (the so called "extra") are superseding others (ToB hacks), doing the same thing through the .dll instead of an .exe hack. So it's either one or the other.
Jan 25 2012, 05:53 PM
Version 1.2 is out.
The modification supports now german and spanish.
ToBEx is updated to v23 Beta and there's been a small but important change in the game text.
NOTE: Ascension64, author of ToBEx recommends to not use v23 but stick to the more stable/tested v22. I'll probably be uploading a new version as soon as 23 enters its final stage. Sorry about this.
Jan 29 2012, 06:26 PM
QUOTE(Salk @ Dec 5 2011, 12:40 AM)
QUOTE(reverendratbastard @ Dec 1 2011, 07:03 AM)
okay, that's pretty sexy...
It seems there are not many who are interested in this but I consider it a breakthrough.
And it is!
Boy, have I been looking for this. I, quite simply, despise that about the game. How you absolutely cannot die at all despite how easy it is to bring someone back to life. This is brilliant and I love it, even though I have yet to use it. Thanks a lot for doing this.
I did not use it yet mostly because I'm worried it'll screw my current games. Will it? I have quite a few things installed (fixpack, tweaks, scs, ascension mostly). Would this work in ongoing games properly? I don't want to screw anything up.
Also, how does this handle things such as petrify? Or vanilla imprisonment?
Feb 2 2012, 01:05 PM
Hello and thanks for the positive comments!
I am not the coder so I am not sure how the modification copes with situation in which the protagonist is scripted to die (in a BGT game I am speaking of the meeting with Shoal, for example) but when it comes to petrification/imprisonment I am not sure how we handled it. I think there are already modifications that don't force a game over in case of imprisonment or petrification of the protagonist but I suppose that Game Over Only on Party Dead should include this.
I will speak with Ardanis (the coder) and ask him about it and return to you with a safe answer once I have it!
My recommendation is to not install this mod in the middle of a game. I would definitely start a new one.
Feb 8 2012, 02:15 PM
There will soon be a new release that includes both Petrification and Imprisonment tweaks created by The_bigg for his Tweak package.
It will prevent game over when Imprisonment is cast on the protagonist and when the protagonist is turned to stone.
Feb 15 2012, 06:41 AM
Verion 1.3 is out!
Mar 13 2012, 04:32 PM
Version 1.31 adds french translation.
Mar 16 2012, 12:18 AM
Thank you, Salk!
Mar 17 2012, 05:22 AM
QUOTE(Graoumf @ Mar 16 2012, 01:18 AM)
Thank you, Salk!
Thank you for providing the french translation!
Mar 28 2012, 02:04 PM
Salk, you could go further and add the feature of replacing the protagonist with any NPC from the party. This is my old code which I sometimes used in the cutscenes.
Apr 5 2012, 03:15 PM
QUOTE(Vlad @ Mar 28 2012, 02:04 PM)
Salk, you could go further and add the feature of replacing the protagonist with any NPC from the party. This is my old code which I sometimes used in the cutscenes.
Interesting. Still, I am reluctant to deviate from the path I set because I'd like the protagonist to be always identifiable with CHARNAME.
Jun 7 2012, 10:25 PM
I have had one problem that I'm tring to sort through. Has anyone had a problem of this mod causing a crash to desktop when the party dies & if so has anyone been able to correct it? Cheers.
Jun 14 2012, 10:49 AM
Hello wigzynz!
It's the first time such a report ever appeared. Would you add your WeiDu log, please?
Apr 6 2013, 03:29 PM
Hello. I love the idea of this mod. Howeber it many times dont work allrigth.
When my party dies often the game crash and a message apear: An assertion failed at ChVideo.cpp in line number 7166.
In the Irenicus dungeon all my party died and Imoen run to the ground but the dead video or the message of failure didnt appear: Nothing happened. The character lies in the ground whit the company of many enemys seeing his agony. xD
Other times, when the protagonist is "dying"... I mean fainting, and an enemy is passing near him he attacks the enemy (if his ia script is activated) interrupting his falling to the ground, but since he is in that state of "character incontrollable" whit that blue square in his portrait, he stop the attack and stays in that way of "waiting for the battle to stop" but incorporated. This also happen whe the character is confused. He stays incorporated.
I think the animation of the protagonist falling has to be ininterruptable, but I dont know if this is possible.
If I see more failures I'll report here, I think. The lack of readme of the mod is strange too. But many thaks for this mod, I think it's awesome already.
Apr 30 2013, 05:42 AM
Thanks for your feedback.
I contacted the coder asking him to take a look at those issues and see if there is something that can be done on our part.
Aug 13 2013, 06:58 PM
I have face another bug: when fighting Centeol (fat spider-queen), my main character died, when i get to the point that Centeol initiate her dialog, she move directly to my party. And because of that, I was able to search her 2 times and get all items twice, including Cerlak body:
Aug 16 2013, 12:59 PM
Thanks for reporting this bug.
The mod's coder is and has been extremely busy and could not help me in tracking the one before this too but I will see if he can spare some time to help me fix these issues for the next version.
Aug 17 2013, 06:48 AM
QUOTE(Piqueri @ Apr 6 2013, 03:29 PM)
When my party dies often the game crash and a message apear: An assertion failed at ChVideo.cpp in line number 7166.
have you enabled 3D acceleration? It seems that having it off causes that kind of crash.
In the Irenicus dungeon all my party died and Imoen run to the ground but the dead video or the message of failure didnt appear: Nothing happened. The character lies in the ground whit the company of many enemys seeing his agony. xD
There might be a fix for this coming soonish.
Nov 2 2013, 02:41 AM
Does it work with BGEE?
Nov 30 2013, 10:00 PM
Sorry for the late reply, Itomon.
At the moment, the mod is not compatible with BG:EE or BG2:EE. The coder is busy with other projects but I believe this mod will be eventually made compatible. No ETA though.
Aug 21 2015, 01:41 PM
There will be soon a new version of this mod with quite a number of corrections/improvements.
Nov 2 2017, 03:39 PM
Hello to whoever may pass by.
Contrary to what I hoped, this modification no longer can count on the support of the original coder.
I have tried to fix a number of small problems I encountered myself when testing but I did not have the necessary time and motivation to port this modification to the EE engine (to some people's joy).
I am going to upload a new version (1.7) that includes those changes, hoping it'll still be a marginal improvement.
I will do it once I get a few people to help with the translations (french, russian, german and spanish).
Jan 21 2018, 06:25 AM
Game Over only on Party Dead v1.7 released!
Change log:
- Version 1.4: Updated ToBEx to v26
Immunization against slaying effect
Tweaked Shaol encounter to avoid her killing the protagonist via dialogue
Made the safeguard for transition to unconscious state more robust
Incorporated Polytweak's Pnp Mind Flayer Attacks
- Version 1.45: Improvements to the dying script
Partial solution against Aec'Letec's game over by death gaze on the protagonist
- Version 1.5: Few changes to the awakening script
Game over only on Party Dead will no longer interfere with the regular execution of the petrification fix
Game over due to the protagonist leveldrained to death is now much less likely (but still possible, sorry)
- Version 1.55: Attempt to fix a bug where the knocked out protagonist would stand instead of staying on the ground
- Version 1.6: Improved compatibility with WTP Familiars
- Version 1.7: Further compatibility with WTP Familiars
Minor code changes
Dec 29 2018, 09:03 PM
I fixed baf scripts so the mod can work properly for 10pp mod for GemRB. 10pp mod lets you have 10 NPCs in your party instead of standard 6.
The mod still worked for GemRB but your game would end whenever 5 NPCs would die even if you had more than 6 NPCs the game would end.
These scripts shouldn't be used when running BG on vanilla engine or EE. There is no point of having them when installing as they might break something since vanilla engine only supports 6 objects.
I attached fixed scripts for 10pp mod for GemRB and upload them to github as well as backup in case of site outrages.
May 8 2019, 03:44 AM
This modification was made for a game that doesn't tweak the number of available slots for party members. At that time, playing with more than 6 party members was not possible. Nice to see it still works fine with 7+ party members with little adjustments.
Jun 15 2021, 07:21 PM
Game Over Only On Party Dead is updated to version 1.8.
Change log:
- Fixed issue with the modification not installing correctly on Baldur's Gate 2
- Added two important compatibility warnings in the Read Me file
Mar 31 2024, 07:00 PM
Hi Salk,
Is there any hope to get your little gem one day compatible with EE ?
May 9 2024, 05:22 AM
What's inside the EE that makes this mod incompatible? Or is it just that this mod was never tested on any EE games?
Jul 1 2024, 07:11 PM
Sorry about the delay of my answers.
I wish I could tell you that you'll be able to play Game Over Only on Party Dead on EE sometimes soon, but it'd be a lie. For one thing, the EE comes with its own "story mode" (from what I understand) and I think there is some modder that was trying (or possibly already succeeded) to do what my modification does, more or less. On top of that, I've no interest in porting my mods to the EE. I only play the classic version via BGT and I've not even played that for over 10 years. Sorry.
I don't think there is any technical problem in porting my mod to the EE engine at all. It's just a matter of convenience.
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