Dec 3 2004, 07:03 PM
This is a spin off of my Easter egg topic, and felt it was an interesting little discussion point.
Now, everyone I've met sees the golden pantaloons as part of the BMU easter egg. It was a useless item that was taken onboard for the subsequent sequel. I have experience that differs from this. The pantaloons were without a 'use'... yes. However that isnt to say they didnt have a character interaction. And no, I dont meam selling them back to the nobleman.
In the city of Baldur's gate, in the upstairs of an inn, The Splurgeon Sturgeon iirc, there is a man. When you talk to him the dialogue is like talking to the Seer in the blade and stars. It doesnt make much sense. He says things like: "Are you him?" and "Do you have them?". You have to answer his questions in a typically secret code fashion. At the end of the dialogue, if you follow it correctly, he will surmise that you haven't a clue what you are talking about, and that you are not his contact. Then, he will steal the golden pantaloons off you, and as he thanks you for fetching them, he will take off.
Has anybody else come accross this? I found it quite surprising when I did, given that I felt the pantaloons werent actually involved at all in BG.
Jun 27 2006, 11:17 PM
I heard there's a pair of silver pantaloons an that there was some kind of a contest related to this????
Just something i heard a while ago
Jun 27 2006, 11:36 PM
Silver pantaloons can be found in BG2. If you have all three parts (Golden and Silver Pantaloons plus Bronze Pantalettes) you can ask Kerrick the Smith in Amkethran (TOB) to forge "Big metal unit" for you. Big metal unit is an armor which shape-changes the wearer to an Iron Golem or something like that. A rather useless item for such a big effort to forge it. At that stage of the game it's not a powerful item.
Jun 27 2006, 11:39 PM
Do you mean a contest here at Black Wyrm's Lair? We had a contest lately, but it was about Facing the Shade Lord (from BG2), and did not include any Silver Pantaloons as items.
When you import your BG1 character to BG2: Shadows of Amn, the Golden Pantaloons won't be taken (unlike other items) from you -- if I remember correctly, they won't be in your inventory; they're added to a container in the Golem's room near your prison. Later, you can also find the Silver Pantaloons as well as the Bronze Pantalettes, as Sikret has told.
If I remember correctly, the Big Metal Unit doesn't shapechange you to an Iron Golem, but it will make you look like an Iron Golem. It gives good AC and you get weapons as well, I'm not sure about the latter, though. I've never used to assemble the Big Metal Unit in BG2.
Nov 2 2007, 09:34 PM
QUOTE(Sikret @ Jun 27 2006, 06:36 PM)

Silver pantaloons can be found in BG2. If you have all three parts (Golden and Silver Pantaloons plus Bronze Pantalettes) you can ask Kerrick the Smith in Amkethran (TOB) to forge "Big metal unit" for you. Big metal unit is an armor which shape-changes the wearer to an Iron Golem or something like that. A rather useless item for such a big effort to forge it. At that stage of the game it's not a powerful item.
Er, not a useless item - it gives you an insane -10 base AC. And it includes a ranged weapon which is so-so. But it certainly is difficult to use well, due to the user becoming a Big Metal Unit.
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