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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Mod development resources & discussion > Tutorials, hints & tips
Hi folks blink.gif

I´m curious about the starting movies. Are they hardcoded into BGMain. exe file or they can be replaced by my own movies? For example I have ToB installed, but when I press in the main screen Shadows Of Amn button, I don´t want to watch that movie describing your past, the jail flashbacks and so on, but I would like to see my own movie... Is there any file that handle this??

Thanks blink.gif
I looked into it a bit and BGT introduces the different movies, especially starting BG1 or BGII parts within the first area scripts. Knowing that BGT alters the BGMAIN.exe for its own purposes there has got to be some good hardcoded stuff to dodge if you want to change the movie. Maybe patch the BGMain with ReplaceTextually ~SOAINTRO~ with whatever you want.

As far as the normal game, I don't think the opening movies are run by a script but I haven't looked at vanilla game files in months (<<<holy s*$%) laugh.gif


Movies are hard for me to understand mainly because they will only play from the Movie.BIF file, whatever the proper name for that file is in both games.
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