-Apparently the mod is designed for a party and i dont think i experienced the mod fully with a solo character. Maybe you should add a remark about playing with a full party for the sake of Mass domination.

-Grachus battle was a moment to remember with his hordes of undead; i managed to win the fight without luring him to anyone but again i think i was *supposed* to. An odd thing happened here, i lured some of the undead to the gates and then they attacked the mold golem to no avail, is that supposed to be so? Also,skeletal archers didnt switch weapons when attacked in melee.
-In the final battle the battle text read something like High sorceress*2 is protecting Teven. I interpreted this as i am supposed to kill the sorceresses first, since i am used to "kill minions first" idea from IA but i believe that is not true. Again it may be due to my playstyle but Teven also can be beefed up a little like with an extra pair of boots of speed.
I guess Episode 2 is not coming in near future but ill be keeping an eye out here. Cheers!