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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Mod development resources & discussion > Modder's Studio of Arts
Hello everyone; I'm a spanish man from lanzarote, and always I look out the phoros in searching information; i´ve been playing baldurs gate since it comes to spain 10 years ago and it is the best game ever in my opinion. I know, here are the best comunnity of modders that you can find,even more than spanish one;
My question is the next one: I would like to ask is somebody can type a complete tutorial of making scrolls of magic and new spells but more detailed, even the smallest thing; I know maybe i´m asking too much; but every time when i tried to make one follow the instructions given it doesn´t work; Sorry if i asking too much again, but this is my only need because i always plays with a mage.

And other question: how do you make the scroll later with the picture on it, in order to make it playable?(Again sorry for my english)

Thank you everyone blush.gif
Hey Welcome to BWL
most of this post however, probably should be posted in a different sub-forum, along with the topic asking how to make a spell. There are many 'how to' make a spell/item tutorials out there. Try DLTCEP utility to create a spell. the goal is to create an item, add effects to that item and create a graphic for it. Then the 'how to add it to the game' part.

but if you get to a point where you have your spell created and you need help making a .bam (the bioware graphic format) you can ask here, you will probably need paint shop, photoshop, or 'the gimp' (that last one is free) to create your art/graphic.
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