Sep 5 2004, 08:12 PM
I will be generating a number of new maps, to leave the BG\BG2\IWD\IWD2\PST maps available to the rest of the modding community.
Towns pending map fill:
Sep 12 2004, 05:58 PM
Not bad, how do you generate the tree's or have they been supplied for you?
Sep 13 2004, 01:50 AM
QUOTE(Seifer @ Sep 12 2004, 05:58 PM)
Not bad, how do you generate the tree's or have they been supplied for you?
The diablo 2 tile sets are supperior to the BG tiles for modding purposes. each item, or item grouping has it's own specific graphic instead of having to clear background from an existing area.
trees, rocks, etc are al there without surrounding terrain.
Nov 13 2004, 03:29 PM
The submap for the Human Capital of Kio:
Nov 13 2004, 03:53 PM
Nice, it looks like a cross between Candle Keep and Atla...(oh my can't remember the city in BG2)
I like your signature too. How'd you do that?
Nov 13 2004, 04:03 PM
Its the city of Baldurs Gate from BG1.
The signature was made using a gif animation program (to put the different animations together), and a program called Infinity Explorer. Infinity Explorer allows you to extract animations out of the game.
Nov 26 2004, 07:23 AM
*****Please note that all screenshots have been compressed and their quality reduced in doing so*****
((((((((((((((((((((((((( Feel free to post any comments )))))))))))))))))))))))))
Two screenshots from the preview mod WTP - Trials of the Long Dark:
Nov 28 2004, 05:53 AM
A screenshot of an elemental gem (the description is a draft).
Nov 29 2004, 10:36 AM
Can you post more screenies of diablo-tiled maps?
I must admit that at first glance, diablo tilesets didn't display *hahem*... nice in mini map or world map, but in-game, it's pretty much more interesting...
And for the spells, some comes from galactygon's pack, right? Animations spells from PST are great!
Nov 29 2004, 02:49 PM
QUOTE(egm @ Nov 29 2004, 10:36 AM)
Can you post more screenies of diablo-tiled maps?
I must admit that at first glance, diablo tilesets didn't display *hahem*... nice in mini map or world map, but in-game, it's pretty much more interesting...
And for the spells, some comes from galactygon's pack, right? Animations spells from PST are great!
I'm sorry but we cannot do that at this time. Most of those maps are mind currently. With exception to some ingame shots, which were lost a while back when the FTP site went belly up, nearly all of the ones that had been posted were resized to make them useless to other modders.
The ingame shots would have to be generated again, and Right now I'm to busy on other aspects of the project. I'd be happy to put some more up when I'm less swamped.
Nov 29 2004, 04:11 PM
QUOTE(egm @ Nov 29 2004, 02:36 AM)
Can you post more screenies of diablo-tiled maps?
I must admit that at first glance, diablo tilesets didn't display *hahem*... nice in mini map or world map, but in-game, it's pretty much more interesting...
And for the spells, some comes from galactygon's pack, right? Animations spells from PST are great!
Well, I wasn't aware that Galactygon
had a pack. I have imported and edited all of these spell animations by myself. As far as in game screenshots of Diablo tiles, there is one of them up. I think it's the second screenshot. It's very poor quality, but it's there.
Nov 29 2004, 05:10 PM
Well, as he's importing/creating new animations for spells or creatures, you can always ask him for those...
I'm developping my own mod, and I've imported several PST animations to BGII engine: to me, modding community works together and I spare my works with Galac' (new animations for commoners, and others, will be part of his mod).
For the maps, I totally agree with you of course!
Dec 15 2004, 03:15 AM
A pair of screenshots taken from The Sun's Gateway in Kio.
A merchant in a hurry to get to a meeting.
The same merchant discussing a shipment of weapons with another merchant.
Jan 8 2005, 05:12 AM
Some kids who are going to play Hide and Seek...
...and a prank.
Members of two trade guilds having an argument over their guilds, which results in a dual
Mar 23 2005, 07:30 AM
here is a preview of the colored description bams that wtp will implement. there will be aprox 500 all new never seen before inventory and description bams, armor, weapons potions,containers,ect... the inventory bams may be resized to 64x64 instead of the 32x64 as they were before.
Apr 13 2005, 06:04 AM
this is the sub-map for the human city of Elista
it is a reformed map of amn, some edits added more water reflections, grass areas, fixed some flaws, left the bad shadows (eh, sue me
Apr 13 2005, 06:49 AM
Whow, impressive size and composition
Just to be nitty-picky: The shadows are somewhat wrong, in the eastern part they are to the left side of buildings, in the western part they are on the right side
But overall, very impressive, it must have taken you a looong time to put this one together. I petty the 'poor' guy that has to fill this giant city with content
Apr 13 2005, 07:03 AM
yeah the bg2 designers were smoking crack when they made them. and populating it is Dragon_Lord's job
but thanks
Apr 13 2005, 08:28 AM
Looks great, Sir-Kill! I like it better than original Athkatla.
May 5 2005, 02:59 AM
just another sword description bam
Jun 22 2005, 10:29 AM
a small sample of the 100's (meaning closer to 1000) of new bams that will be in the WTP.
helmets, some blunt weapons, a few sets of armor, boots, swords (some things will have effects) some robes, and finaly a set of bracers
what do you think?
Jun 22 2005, 10:34 AM
Wow, this is fantastic!
The BAMs look great, Sir-Kill!
Jun 22 2005, 02:16 PM
QUOTE(Sir-Kill @ Jun 22 2005, 10:29 AM)
a small sample of the 100's (meaning closer to 1000) of new bams that will be in the WTP.
helmets, some blunt weapons, a few sets of armor, boots, swords (some things will have effects) some robes, and finaly a set of bracers
what do you think?
They sure do, that is some fine art work... I also just noticed that those are BG II graphics on BG I. Would somebody explain to me how I might go about doing that? I am assuming I will simply have to download something but I may be wrong...
Jun 22 2005, 02:27 PM
QUOTE(Sir-Kill @ Apr 13 2005, 06:04 AM)
this is the sub-map for the human city of Elista
it is a reformed map of amn, some edits added more water reflections, grass areas, fixed some flaws, left the bad shadows (eh, sue me
Now this one is intresting! It looks like you took waukeen's promanade, temple, government, and the docks and rearanged parts of them.
Jun 22 2005, 02:28 PM
thanks both of you.
if you know how to do area graphics it is just a matter of importing the .bmp of that area and saving it as a bg2 area. (or more the oppsit but that explanation is a bit more confusing)
but if you have bg1 installed Infinity explorer can export it. if not the community assets has the maps up for download.
If you do not know I would suggest that you read the IETME tutorial that comes in the download of that utility.
Jun 22 2005, 02:53 PM
I understand, I used to work on Mods for Neverwinter Nights but as you probably know that was a lot easier with a graphic interface instead of the code. I was usually busy with 2da files and conditions to make servers work well tho... I was a hacker then and im a hacker now. But when it comes to BG Modding seems like a more useful area to specialize in than hacking it for no reason. (sory for the little off-topic)
Jun 22 2005, 04:53 PM
It looks like you took waukeen's promanade, temple, government, and the docks and rearanged parts of them
it is a reformed map of amn,
I quite like it. The water looks a little... 'canvas-y' but that could be a result of the resizing/resampling.
EDIT: Fixed quote tags...
Jun 22 2005, 04:57 PM
there is also the graveyard and the bridge district.
that is BG seemless tile that you would not really recognize being that you are so close to it, but alas there is only so much you can do with it.... or is there
I guess that is in need of a fix (thanks for pointing that out) .I did however make the waves near the shore and the breakwater/wall
Jun 25 2005, 03:59 AM
I just put together a
screenshot/graphics page today, it has more inventory bams and some commentary from me
Jun 25 2005, 11:54 PM
wow baldur's gate seems to dwarf "athkatla"... even though they are out of proportion...
"athkatla looks great!
it's just me but i wouldve remove the backing of the bridge district, or at least shortened it, but that's just me... and i am just a little crazy...
The signature was made using a gif animation program (to put the different animations together), and a program called Infinity Explorer. Infinity Explorer allows you to extract animations out of the game.
what gif program did u use... i've been trying to make a "banner" for the ppg group to display...
NOTE: now edited three times...
anyway, the poor promenade looks sooooo lonely over there...
Jun 26 2005, 03:08 AM
what gif program did u use... i've been trying to make a "banner" for the ppg group to display...
An old version of Ulead Gif Animator. In case you were wondering what my sig was when I posted that:
Jun 29 2005, 09:45 AM
Nice job! You cannot leave the shadows untouched as that would distract in the transition areas. Redoing shadows properly is a major pain in the a$$ IMO.
Aug 16 2005, 08:34 PM
to make igi happy I redid the water for amn/Elista. But as I said I will not touch the shadows, if someone wants to, that would be grand.
Aug 17 2005, 04:17 PM
This is way cool. My question is though (I am dumb, I know) - is that a single map? or will it be divided into a series of areas? It looks awfully busy for just one area.
Aug 17 2005, 04:57 PM
think of this like the mini map of baldurs gate city or of amn it is sort of actual size. it will be just a sub map of the actual world map.
Sep 10 2005, 07:13 PM
I have completed 200+ bams of aprox. 1000 or so bams that are needed, about 1/4 - 1/3 of the remaining are misc. item bams (keys, wine, statues, ect.) and most likly will be made on a request based system some base line items will, of course need to be made.
If you noticed that there are a lot of just color changes that is so the item makers do not have to be forced to just pick one thing. I plan to have at least 3 different models of each weapon and armor, and up to as many as 8 models for certin weapons. with about 6 color themes.
this image is at about 25% of the original size and badly jpg compressed.
A side note to graghic people: this image was created by opening 200 sized 200x200 .bmps and converting it to 200 layers, w00t! my best/most yet.
Sep 14 2005, 11:24 PM
A side note to graghic people: this image was created by opening 200 sized 200x200 .bmps and converting it to 200 layers, w00t! my best/most yet.
you have too much time on your hands my friend.
Sep 20 2005, 03:32 AM
Slowly populating away, one area at a time:
![IPB Image](
Not pictured: The area's music
Sep 20 2005, 07:11 PM
Like the up-beat dialogue.
Nov 18 2005, 02:24 AM
A part of Fort Unity under construction about 10% complete
things will change alot when the finished so it will probably not look like this too much.
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