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Full Version: A new way to create new map
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Mod development resources & discussion > Modder's Studio of Arts
Hello everybody,

Today, I would like to show a map which I created thanks to a new way. In fact, I working on a combination of some tutorials (french and english tutorials).

First, rigel's tutorial (which you already know I think...) which consist to edit files bmp (for bam)
Second, huxaltec's tutorial (french modder which use the gimp's stamp to create the "visual" of the map)
The third, Aulon Alaundo's tutorial (it is useless to present him) which alow to learn to work with ietme

Well, finally with all these methods i can create something like that :
I am not familiar with those tuts. the bams are the animations, correct? I am guessing that the gimps stamp is also called in photoshop and paintshop clone stamp/brush, is this fair to say?

there are a some nice things in that area, however there are some issues that you might want to think on when you are placing things in your area such as: keeping everything perfectly spaced apart from each other, overlapping trees and shrubs, and other plants in front and behind buildings.
Tip: When you place a building as a new layer try using the eraser (used very small 2-3 pxl and maybe softened) on where the foundation of the house and the grass meet chipping out a jagged line. this would give it an nice natural look.
on the the red and green shrubs you might want to erase some of the top edge (another jagged line) to give the illusion of a 'not so solid' feel to it. like the top edge of the yellow trees.
You might also want to mix up some of the grasses adding a different tuft of grass here and there.

The Obelisk's base has a nice shape giving the illusion of height or a hilly look.

There are many tilesets that you can use here.

Keep it up it is coming along nicely!
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