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Full Version: Need The Gold Key
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate, BG1Tutu, BG Trilogy > The Grey Clan Episode One: In Candlelight

After being stuck, I had a look at the walkthrough and it seems I'm missing the Gold Key (I must have not picked it up sad.gif )

Does anyone know the console command to spawn it?

I'm playing this mod within BWP version 8.

The normal way of obtaining the key isn't working in your game anymore?
Judging by walkthrough, there is a house near the gate where you can find a bandit with the key.

Anyway, try this:
Thanks, I've been using BWP 8 and I think it's messed up who holds the keys.

I tired BW05BARP and the bandit had the gold one.

Thanks, I've been using BWP 8 and I think it's messed up who holds the keys.

I hope not. If you're sure the mistake isn't on your side, then the creators of BWP should examine the case. Grey Clan Episode I cannot be a part of a mod collection that introduces problems in it.
Who should the Gold Key originally drop from?
A bandit in a house who tries to harm a girl (Lucy) has it.
QUOTE(Baronius @ Oct 3 2009, 10:11 AM) *
I hope not. If you're sure the mistake isn't on your side, then the creators of BWP should examine the case. Grey Clan Episode I cannot be a part of a mod collection that introduces problems in it.

I really don't think BWP causes any problems with Grey Clan Episode I.
Jarno Mikkola
Lucy the Wyvern mod just might, although the Lucy in that mod should have it's b! in front of it's creature name, soo... ph34r.gif
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