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Full Version: pvp mod anyone?
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Mod development resources & discussion > The Gathering Hall
Just curious, but this game is based off of dungeons and dragons pen and paper game right? I don't have much knowledge about it, so I'm curious about something. Maybe some of you know the answer.

Is there a player vs player in dungeons and dragons? How come nobody has created a pvp mod for bg2?

It wouldn't even really be bg2 anymore, rather a brand new game. You could even patch it continuously to balance classes and group compositions. It's difficult to actually code, sure, but it would most definitely be extremely popular and profitable like counterstrike. Maybe raise some capital to hire a few more developers, especially in infringement protection, user interface, and multiplayer functions. The pausing and stuff as it exists now is a nightmare, but with the right solutions, it could be a huge success. I know I, and everyone who's ever played bg2, would pay for a copy and cd key. Sikret always compares gameplay to chess matches. Chess is pvp.
I don't really see why you've posted this here, it doesn't have anything to do with IA.
This topic will be moved to the Gathering Hall soon. You can find it there once you don't see it in the Improved Anvil forum.
Dungeons and Dragons Online? Though I can't say whether or not it has PvP.

And making a brand new game, well, proper experience aside, if you meant one with good enough graphics then it costs money to produce. Likely too much to do on one's own, so go and bug publishers till they agree. Though if you look at how Mount&Blade got started...

Anyway, I don't think modding site is the best place to start agitating people to join the project. Let alone ask 'can someone do it?' Indies usually do what they, indies, want to do, not the stuff designed by other guys (otherwise they'd go into a larger game developing company).
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