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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Mod development resources & discussion > Modder's Studio of Arts
Gumbo Darksteel
Hi there guys and gals. My in character name is Gumbo Darksteel. If you guys don't mind, may I ask help regarding a process of creating a full character from scratch. I created a cartoonish(Well sorta) avatar to whom I want to implement in the game with working animations and textures but really don't know where to start, or what to look out for with naming conventions and animations in general. The current programs I am using are 3d canvas Pro for animation and wings 3d for modeling and UV mapping. Do I need to make a whole set of diffrent animations for a avatar when wearing chainmail, plate, leather, and without armor? and the same for the different weapon types in the game? I apologize for the newish questions. I am a avid 3d modeler and animator and I would love to create animations for the game. Thank you in advance.

Hello !

So if i undertsand well you had created a new skin for a new type of creature ?

The skins of creatures are animations in .bif files composed of several bams; some simple creatures needs 20 bams some complex creatures needs 60 bams.

You can find them in the bam directory with Near Infinity, you will recognize some creatures.

To import your skin in game there is a method who consist in the sacrifice of an exiting creature: you place your bams in place of the creatures bams.

bams are 2d images they are pieces of a 3d image, who make it look alike 3D; i think it's not so easy make a nice animation: i mean how to know take vues to make the good bams who will make you skin animation; and the much oyur creature is complex the much you will neeed bams to make a good animation.

I know it's possible but don't know much about the exact method; it's just some people are making mods with imported creatures from IWD2 in our French Modding Community, so it's quite the same problem as yours except you created your own bams.

Good luck
Welcome to BWL
well being that BG is not a 3d game they are all in bam format but the number of animation slots are hard coded and pretty full.
in other words people have wanted more animations in the past but it has yet to be completed (tons of work). one person went as far as creating a full set of walk run attack stand etc. and with all the weapons that could be used by that new animation but the 'clown colors' were off and they could not be used.
the colors tell where to color the different parts of the animation. so if you have brown, gray, or red armor you jsut tell the game what to color it.

well with that out of the way some new spell animations might be useful and not to much work.

I do 3d as well, have you ever looked into 3ds? it can do it all in one package wink.gif

I like to see some of your work some time.
Gumbo Darksteel
Thank you for the replies guys. I really apprreciate it. thumb.gif Oh so putting the sprite file is very difficult. Dratz! I had this concept in mind of placing my cartoonish character named Justinain into the game. I was planning to make him with another cartoon based character of mine named Raphael. Well no worries. I am sure it's possible but I might need more time for it.

On another thought, It would be my pleasure to show you my character though he's still in clean up phase with the textures and modeling parts. I still need to rig the guy also. (I hate rigging sad.gif )
Justinain is supposed to be a Blood Knight. It's an idea I had for a whilte now. He comes from a temple that worships Saturn but however he decided to break away from his spiritual vocation and adeventure out of his
Temple. His close friend Rapheal Masscio( A blood Monk or also known as Flamehand) both trek out inot the unknown world themselves. I was hoping to have them meet the PC in Naskhal but I am still working the story portion of it.

Here's the Character:

Justinian Renders
Just render
Just Renders 02
Just 03

I want to thank you again for the replies. I will try that trial of 3ds max. Hopefully since I am a student I can buy it much cheaper from the full price. 3ds max always caught my eye atm never fully tried it out though. I sure will now. smile.gif

sorry I missed this post I keep checking the new posts but this did not show up.

yeah the pricing on 3ds is huge.

I cant say I have ever got myself interested enough to actually learn rigging, bones, etc. tho I do want to know how tongue.gif
i do know that max has a bunch of automatic tools and solvers to help out.

it also has tons of mapping options.

cool thanks for the pics if ya' have trouble with max, just ask.
By the way, I read somewhere avatars for BG1 and 2 were made in Poser.

Oh, one thing. There was a tutorial once, long time ago, how to make a fairy in Poser with correct BG isometric angle of view or something like that. A long, long time ago, posted at good old TeamBG forums. If any of you guys have it, I would really appreciate putting it here. In case of any problem PM me or Sir-Kill or Baronius. Thanks in
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