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Full Version: Serious bug?
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate, BG1Tutu, BG Trilogy > The Drizzt Saga
OK, I'm playing a BWP game including drizztsaga. Trouble is I've gone into the 9 hells and have killed all the monsters, including the marilith, right at the end. Now, I'm unable to either go back to the BG1-areas nor is there a way out. How do I get out? I presume there's a bug and I need to use movetoarea() to get to the next Drizztsaga area, which is what? Any help appreciated.

Secondly, there is a slight bug of another kind. The 9 hells is supposed to be inhabited by lawful-evil-aligned devils, not chaotic-evil-aligned demons.
For the first question read here:
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