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Full Version: Description Bam
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Mod development resources & discussion > Modder's Studio of Arts
OK. So we can make our own inventory bams simple, but we might get intimidated by description bams. While they may seem difficult, they are actually quite easy. First off, I recommend you go download the latest version of Paint Shop Pro. The program can be found here?. You do need to purchase it though...

Paint Shop Pro
Bam Workshop(1 preferably)

Now that you have Paint Shop Pro(PSP) open up the original image file that you used to make your inventory bam. This picture should be about 165x165 pixels in dimensions. Now, depending on what your image is surrounded by, you can either use the background eraser or just crop the image. I recommend cropping the image because it is will keep the next step within the cropping boundaries. OK, so now you've cropped the image, and while the image still has the dashed line going around the selection go to the upper bar, the one with "File", "Edit", etc. and select Effects -->Art Media Effects-->Pencil. Now you want to adjust the image to where it is all the way black and white, but to where you can still see a lot of detail from the image.

Now, open up DLTCEP, or if you know a description bam already in the override folder, skip to the next step. Now that you are in DLTCEP select Edit-->Animation
now that you are in the animation editor, select Load Bam from the bottom right corner. To find a description bam look in the files beginning with "c" and they should mostly be description bams. Now open up that bam, and select "Save as" and save it as whatever you want and wherever you want. For the purpose of this tutorial, we're saving it in C:.

Open up Bam Workshop(BW) and load the bam that you just saved in C:. there is only one frame, export that frame as a .bmp.

Now you open up Paint Shop Pro and load the bmp that you just saved. Select the color that you want your sword(or whatever you are making the bam of) to be closest too using the eyedropper on the actual sword part of the bmp. I recommend, if using a scale of 1 being the brightest color and 5 being the darkest, selecting a "2.5".

Now we go back to the "Pencilized" sword that we did a while back. Go over to the toolbar on the left and select the airbrush(it's in a dropdown menu off of the paintbrush utility). Now set the opacity to somewhere between 50 and 65. Now lightly color in the sword. Now that that is done, the sword may look to covered up. If it does, go back to the exported frame from the premade description bam and select the darkest brown color. now select the paintbrush utility and set the size down to 1 pixel. Go over to your sword and fill in the details that you think should be better.

Also, when using the airbrush, it is possible to set the density of the spray lower. I recommend about halfway down.
For those that don't read all the other forums, I posted a newer version of this in the tutorial forum. It's the second one with all of the images.
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