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Full Version: Drizzt Saga and Worldmap load procedure
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate, BG1Tutu, BG Trilogy > The Drizzt Saga
cool.gif Some ?'s about the install.. I'm running EasyTuTu..

1. DS WM patch gets extracted to what folder?
2. Now I install DS,,,and then..
3. I load WM......but which version? Can I use WM v7.0a??


P.S. Also, when loading DS, it's asks if I want to load WM6 support. Since I plan to use WMv.7 what should I do?
For the worldmap you need BG2 Fixpack installed first.
Then extract the Drizzt Saga WM Patch into your main game directory.
Install the Drizzt Saga with the worldmap support.
Finally install the newest Worldmap.

Greetings Leomar
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