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Full Version: Dizzit's weapons
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate, BG1Tutu, BG Trilogy > The Drizzt Saga
I didn't even know I had the weapons in my inventory until I went to sell something, that is because they don't actually 'show' up, one cannot see them, though if one cursors over them in one's inventory the cursor labels them. I wish someone somewhere would buy them? I cannot drop them from my inventory either, they just sit glued in there, can't even move them to another inventory slot nor into a bag of holding. I will say for the few minutes I had drizzit, the appropriate icons showed for his, ie you could see them.

Every since I have inherited them, I have been unable to loot more than one item, and all the gold, as if my inventory were filled up except for one slot. I don't know why but it was not a problem before I got these 'invisible weapons', which, BTW cannot be equipped either.

Is there any fix or console command I can do to get rid of them?

nvm just saw hoppy's post and going to give that a shot

thank you very much
mud master has a utility that can edit you inventory. if you are not playing bgt or tutu use gate keeper. just go to you character that has the items then got to inventory and delete the unwanted items.

I mentioned this in the other post as well at an earlier time
Thank you so much. I am playing Big World mega mod install, is the mud master safe to use with that?
it that has bgt you need to use shadow keeper. safe? yeah, don't see why not
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