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Full Version: Install order query regarding WorldMap
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate, BG1Tutu, BG Trilogy > The Drizzt Saga
I'm starting a game of BG1 with, in this order,
Stone of Askavar v1.3Beta
BG1 Unfinished Business for TuTu v8

None of the above mods require a WorldMap, but I would like to perhaps try Drizzt Saga.

Do I install WM before DS? If so, which version?
Then I install DS?

Also, if this mod is for L9-12,,,,,how do you expect a L3-5 party have a chance?? How do you recommend this be handled? Not go to the Drizzt area until you've done the TotSC content? That's kind of awkward and smacks of metagaming.

And another thing, my game is still early(just got to the Friendly Arm),, do I "really" have to start a new game if I haven't met Drizzt yet?? If so, why?
QUOTE(ElfBane @ Oct 2 2008, 05:54 PM) *
Do I install WM before DS? If so, which version?
Then I install DS?

I can't really answer your question, because we use BGT instead of TuTu, but normally you install WM after Drizzt. But you need the Drizzt Saga WM patch which must installed before Drizzt. The install order should be:

1. Drizzt Saga WM patch
2. Drizzt Saga
3. Worldmap

Also, if this mod is for L9-12,,,,,how do you expect a L3-5 party have a chance?? How do you recommend this be handled? Not go to the Drizzt area until you've done the TotSC content? That's kind of awkward and smacks of metagaming.
We recommend to play Drizzt after the TotSC content. Until then you should not meet Drizzt.

And another thing, my game is still early(just got to the Friendly Arm),, do I "really" have to start a new game if I haven't met Drizzt yet?? If so, why?

Sorry, I don't know. But if you just got to the Friendly Arm Inn, then you can start a new game to be sure all things are fine.

Greetings Leomar
Thanks for your reply, Leomar.
Another question. Two of the traditional members of Drizzt's party are human. If you are consistent with the BG timeline, they would now be either dead, or past adventuring age. Are they in the Mod?
Jarno Mikkola
QUOTE(ElfBane @ Oct 3 2008, 12:50 PM) *
Another question. Two of the traditional members of Drizzt's party are human. If you are consistent with the BG timeline, they would now be either dead, or past adventuring age. Are they in the Mod?
Which time line are you talking about? As you meet Cati-Brie and Wulfgar in BGII:SoA, so they should be alive according to the BG game timeline... and yes, they should be in the mod.
Yes, I know you might be refering to the books timeline...
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