Sep 16 2008, 05:51 PM
I'm new to installing mods of this kind. I decided to install spellpack because of the spell static charge among others, I tried installing spellpack, but I'm getting an error.
I have SoA installed together with ToB and Baldurdash2 or something like that. I also have a mod installed to fix the cloak of mirroring effect.
I'm getting the following error when trying to install spellpack:
ERROR locating resource for 'COPY'
Resource [SPPR330A.spl] not found in KEY file:
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR Installing [Thorn Spray, Recitation, Cloud of Pestilence, Static Charge, A
damantite Mace], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall 75 files for [SETUP-SPELLPACKB5.TP2] component 5.
Uninstalled 75 files for [SETUP-SPELLPACKB5.TP2] component 5.
ERROR: Failure("resource [SPPR330A.spl] not found for 'COPY'")
Using Language [English]
Install Component [Thorn Spray, Recitation, Cloud of Pestilence, Static Charge,
Adamantite Mace]?
[I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit?
I'm choosing not to install wizard spells. I picked core spell files and baldurs gate 2 advanced sounds. Funny how it's failing just as it's trying to install static charge.
I'm wondering, I "pressed" [Q]uit since I didn't want to install the rest after the failure. Is the installation now rolled back? The DOS box disappeared after 1 second so I couldn't see what it said afterwards.
I added the debug file.
Thanks in advance!
Sep 17 2008, 04:08 AM
There is a typo in Setup-SpellPackB5.tp2, as SPPR330A should not appear anywhere under that component. Most people do not notice it because they have both the components "Call Lightning,.. ..., Elysium's Tears" and "Thorn Spray,... ..., Adamantite Mace" installed.
Unless you want to wait for B6, you can do yourself a favour and fix this problem by:
1.) Opening Setup-SpellPackB5.tp2 with a text editor that can do searches. WordPad works.
2.) Using a search function find the text "SPPR422C.spl". Flipping through the code can be overwhelming.
3.) Replace this block:
COPY_EXISTING ~SPPR422C.spl~ ~override~
~SPPR330A.spl~ ~override~
SPRINT projectile_file "LC_TRAV5"
with this block:
COPY_EXISTING ~SPPR422C.spl~ ~override~
SPRINT projectile_file "LC_TRAV5"
Even though your "Thorn Spray,... ..., Adamantite Mace" component failed to install, the core "Files and Graphics" and "Improved BGII Casting Sounds" are in your game.
Sep 17 2008, 04:50 AM
Thanks for the quick response. I'll check out your "fix", because I wanted to start playing a Druid and the way they're set-up in BGII is kind of gimped so I wanted at least these spells.
Is there a way to uninstall this mod if I wanted to?
Sep 17 2008, 03:19 PM
Rerun Setup-SpellPackB5.exe and follow the instructions on the black screen. If you want to uninstall components under the category "Priest Spells", you will have to prompt the executable to display that category.
Installation and uninstallation works like any other WeiDU mod.
Sep 18 2008, 06:46 PM
I'm not really familiar with Weidu mods or whatever that is, but it worked.
I do have some new issues now. I somehow messed up my graphics settings so I had to fiddle around with the settings and had to disable the 3D accelerator as well as Direct3D to make the game run without having graphical anomalies. However I do have anomalies now with the installed spellpack graphics. I uninstalled the core files, but obviously now the spells that I wanted do not work anymore.
I tried reïnstalling the core files but it gives me an error. Is there a way to just install the spells Thorn Spray and Static Charge without any of the other options? I don't really care for updating anything else. I just want these spells. I also changed some of the BAM files so they look like BG2 spells in the spellbook and quickslots (instead of those black box thingies), but that shouldn't be a problem should it?
Here's the error:
ERROR: illegal 2-byte read from offset 1226 of 1226-byte file MISC73.ITM
ERROR: [MISC73.ITM] -> [override/MISC73.ITM] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("MI
SC73.ITM: read out of bounds"))
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR Installing [Spell Pack (Core Files and Graphics)], rolling back to previous state
Also, it will not allow me to uninstall the installed priest spells. It will just skip everything. When I try to uninstall the improved casting sounds it tells me it's too old or something.
Looks like I'll have to reinstall SoA and ToB plus all the mods to make this thing work again...
I have a question regarding the mod itself. Why not have an option to install everything individually? Why have spell "sets" and make it mandatory to update and patch every other thing in the game even though you might only want to add one or two spells?
Like I'd like to install Static Charge and Thorn Spray, but I don't care for the Mace spell, but since it's part of a "set" it will install it regardless. Which means I'll have to change the BAM of this spell as well so it won't look out of place in my spellbook.
Sep 19 2008, 06:27 AM
I think the file is corrupted/bad. I had a different file that it could not patch, try searching for another version of the file (a backup) or just remove it from the override.
Sep 19 2008, 07:07 AM
QUOTE(Chev @ Sep 19 2008, 08:27 AM)

I think the file is corrupted/bad. I had a different file that it could not patch, try searching for another version of the file (a backup) or just remove it from the override.
I went ahead and reïnstalled everything, so it's fixed either way. I'm currently playing without the spellpack mod, because of the graphics issues.
Sep 19 2008, 01:11 PM
Something you could do is open the file using DLTCEP/Near Infinity, and save it.
But regardless, I will have to come up with some code that makes sure it inserts more bytes if necessary. People like Taimon or Nythrun know more about this.
Sep 19 2008, 05:14 PM
What's the exact question, where do you want to insert more bytes (if necessary)? If you paste the code in question here, I might also be able to help.
Sep 19 2008, 07:51 PM
I haven't had the time to come up and think about my question in detail, much less generate any code; I was talking more to myself. But thanks for the help.
Sep 19 2008, 08:04 PM
Based on the below quote, I referred to existing code which you assumed to be the culprit for the problem:
But regardless, I will have to come up with some code that makes sure it inserts more bytes if necessary.
This made me think that there is a "current" code which doesn't insert bytes when needed, which results in the error (out-of-range read). But then I might have misinterpreted something.
Sep 20 2008, 01:00 AM
So your problem is that you can't play BG with "use 3d" option?
I think I know how to fix it:
1. open baldur.ini
2. go to "Display Frequency=60"
3. Change 60 to 80 e.g. --> it should look like this now: "Display Frequency=80"
4. Save and exit baldur.ini
5. open BG config and turn "use 3D" on.
6. Test it --> hopefully it works!
7. Now, install spellpack and give it a try
I hope I was of some help,
Sep 22 2008, 01:15 PM
QUOTE(Marvin @ Sep 20 2008, 03:00 AM)

So your problem is that you can't play BG with "use 3d" option?
I think I know how to fix it:
1. open baldur.ini
2. go to "Display Frequency=60"
3. Change 60 to 80 e.g. --> it should look like this now: "Display Frequency=80"
4. Save and exit baldur.ini
5. open BG config and turn "use 3D" on.
6. Test it --> hopefully it works!
7. Now, install spellpack and give it a try
I hope I was of some help,
Thanks I'll give it a swing.
Ok, tried it, but it didn't work. I added an attachment of the screen so you can see what it looks like.
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