For Kerkse...if it takes banning someone for a while or forever for losing their cool and insulting and swearing then sure go for it. I for one am here to play a great game using BWL's great mods. I expect nothing from this site and it's modders, except what they choose to give. Which is absolutely great support for my favorite game and very very bug free mods. Bugs were what drove me here in the first place. Sikrets dedication to perfection is what I like. I have a limited amount of time for this hobby and I would rather spend it enjoying a quality mod then trying to find out how to get a bug free list of 10-50 mods put together. What Sikret has done is made a mod that covers all the things that one mega mod tries to do. Now I know that all the individual tweaks, fixes, quest, romances, NPC's and AI mods have more as a collective in them, but I chose IA for stability. When you read thru Sikrets forums you do not see "Help I can't install" or "This sucks CTD at end of my game" statements. Any bug that has ever been reported to him he has fixed with in days and most of the discussions at his forums revolve around tactics and suggestions on things to add to his Mod.
Lastly let us all remember that the Administrators of this very good forum and the Mod creators here do this for free and take up their time so that we can enjoy their creations. If I did something to piss them off and got banned for it that would be ok....because they owe me nothing.....I owe them!