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Full Version: SpellPack™ beta 5 released!
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Mods under development - Baldur's Gate II > Lost Crossroads
After a break from B4 and all those bugs it introduced, I am proud to announce the release of SpellPack™ B5 in its glory!

Thanks to the vast improvement of the author's WeiDU skills, the installation of SpellPack B5 is much cleaner and friendlier than any of it's previous versions. Most of everything except those spells mentioned explicitly in the components are patched. The mod does not override the projectl.ids and so on. Also, I have more than halved the download size through compressing the sounds to .ogg files and compressing a few animations I forgot to compress in B4. What would have been more than 100 megs is now 45.1 Mb.

SpellPack B5 introduces 15 new components with many spells, not counting the countless fixes from the previous version. They range from a typo in the description of Implosion to a game crashing bug that was triggered when traps were triggered (another reason to disarm them first!).

Some of the spells in B5 are truly spectacular, so I suggest you head over and see the screenshots.

View the readme
Download SpellPack B5 Full [45.1 Mb]
View the discussion forums

For those who already have SpellPack B4 installed, you can download SpellPack B5 Patch (10.3 Mb). Note that while B5 Full is a standalone version, B5 Patch continues to rely on the projectl.ids overriden by B4, although the patch does not continue to override the projectile.ids. Therefore, you are safe to install B5 Patch over other mods. If you are a purist at heart and would like a perfectly clean install of mods, I recommend beta 5 full.

For those who don't want to wait until B6 comes out, I've attatched a hotfix that fixes most of the reported issues.

1.) Extract and replace your "Setup-SpellPackB5.tp2"
2.) Extract the contents of the folder "Macros_ToSpellPackB5" and replace the files inside the directory "SpellPackB5/Macros"
3.) Install SpellPack if you haven't done so
I have included Nythrun's reindexer, so this will fix the installation error that comes up with corrupted files, and will not corrupt SCRL07.itm (Protection from Magic) and POTN33.itm (Potion of Magic Blocking). If you already have SpellPack installed, don't bother with this.

4.) After installing the desired components, copy the contents of the "xxx_ToOverride" folders to the "override" directory, replacing files from your SpellPack install.

Fixes inside the folders:
* FlameArrow_ToOverride: Flame Arrow becomes undroppable.
* FlameBlade_ToOverride: Flame Blade becomes undroppable.
* HorridWilting_ToOverride: Despite claiming that ADHW is party friendly in B5, it still wasn't because of an oversight. Finally a fix.
* Web_ToOverride: Web does not last forevar.

Cosmetic Changes:
* WebGraphics_ToOverride: If you do not have the highest possible graphics setting set, then web does not display so beautifully. For those with lower graphics setting, I have included a screenshot on how it would look like.
* MinorGlobe_ToOverride: Since the 2nd shot has this onscreen, I might as well include this as an easter egg. I personally like this better than any of the BG or IWD variants, and fits seamlessly into the game.


Before to the left, After to the right
Due to erronious duplicates, if you install Disintegrate after Hammer of Retribution (as most people would, since the components are in that order), Disintegrate will overwrite Hammer of Retribution, causing the spell to do nothing and the description to go blank.

There are two ways of fixing this:
1.) Install Hammer of Retribution after "Disintegrate"
2.) With Hammer of Retribution already installed, delete the files "SPPR616.spl", "SPPR616A.spl", and "SPPR616D.spl" in the directory "SpellPackB5/SpellsAndEffects/Wizard/Level06/Spell_Disintegrate", and (re)install the Disintegrate component.

I've also included a minor hotfix of an old bug that caused some people to see blue squares around Chromatic Orb, Ice Storm, Fire Storm, and Prayer. Extract the contents of the folder "CorrectedAnimations_ToOverride" to the override after any SpellPack install.
Extract this file and replace the file of the same name to the directory "SpellPackB5/Macros/" before installing the Core component and after downloading the above hotfixes.

The spell pack link is a 404.
I have removed the link since the release of B6. See here.

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