Oct 29 2004, 12:36 PM
It sais "if you need a BAM, come here, so...

Short introduction: I'm making an item like the "book of endless spells" wich allows a non-mage to throw the spell of the current page once a day or to turn the page for a new spell. I changed it so that the pages can be turned forth and backwards (like in a real book

What I need now are
arrows indicating in which direction the page will be turned (so one pointing to the left, one to the right.) These arrow-BAMs will be implemented in the effects showing if the book is equipped in the quick items slot and clicked with the right mouse key. They should be somehow in BG style.
Maybe you have a spontaneous idea / already some BAMs like that ready... If you need more info I'll try to find a picture.
Oct 29 2004, 07:10 PM
Just a thought, but how about the arrows used if a mage has many spells memorised, and wants to select on from further laong the spell-book when going to cast one?
E.g. Memorise 50 spells. Click the "spell button" - see the arrows pointing left/right
Oct 29 2004, 10:01 PM
@Jastey. yes you can request bams here.
@ igi it took me awhile to figure what you were saying.
this is what he was talking about. is this what you want or something else? If so be a bit more specific
Oct 31 2004, 07:38 PM
I think they would do nicely! Having those as BAMs would be great!
Oct 31 2004, 10:16 PM
you can just pull them out of the game and rename them then.
Oct 31 2004, 10:45 PM
What do you mean by "pull them out of the game and rename them"? I have no graphical software. Are they normal BAMs (which I then would have obviously missed while looking through the list

Oct 31 2004, 10:57 PM
They are probably .bam files, yes.
So, you need to find them, and then just reference their filename (or, extract them, rename them, and reference the new filename).
Oct 31 2004, 11:02 PM
QUOTE(igi @ Oct 31 2004, 11:57 PM)
you need to find them
Is there a more effective way than to click through the BAMs in NI?
Nov 1 2004, 03:13 AM
No besides looking in Infinity Explorer (IE)
but here is the bg1 arrows. just drop the unwanted frames
WARNING! do not open this with bam workshop it has the shadow color on it and will show as pink in the game. the file is guibtact if it still crupted by my BWS (showing pink)
I renamed this one
Nov 1 2004, 07:52 AM
Thank you, Sir-Kill!

I will download them tonight.
I didn't understand your warning, but I don't have BAM workshop so I guess it doesn't matter.
Nov 1 2004, 04:19 PM
just drop the unwanted frames
Er.. how do I do that? The BAM now is containing all frames for left and right arrows, how do I split it into the BAMs I need?
Nov 1 2004, 05:41 PM
Do you have bws? What frames do to want? Just drop the frames that you do not need for one arrow direction, save as something else. Re-open the original drop all frames that you do not want for the other arrow, then save again. Do not ask me what to do after that, because I have no idea how to put it in the game.
Nov 1 2004, 06:25 PM
Sir-Kill, I have no idea how to do that. Can I use NI or DLTCEP for that? What do you mean by bws? (Implementing the final BAM into the game is the easiest part - for me

Nov 1 2004, 06:35 PM
Nevermind what I said, I just remembered that you should not open it with bamworkshop (bws)
open DLTCEP, go to edit bam, select your bam, select one frame at a time (from the pull down menu) and go through your frames click on the drop frame button (just below) [do this for the ones that you do not want. this just gets rid of the extra images.]
I'm sure NI can do this too, but I'm not used to NI
Nov 2 2004, 07:52 AM
Thanks, that was the info I needed.

I managed to select the interesting frames in DLTCEP now, but integrated into the item the BAM looks misplaced, it overlaps at one side... Further I noticed that only an arrow looks a bit strange if equipped to the quick item slot (I didn't consider this before...

), but before I post another BAM request here I have to decide what I actually want, so I'll post it here then (this could take some while, as I'm not primarily on that). Thanks for your efforts so far!
Nov 2 2004, 10:06 AM
2 things I did not understand.
1 your bam is not aliened correctly? In DLTCEP there is a center bam button, on the bam screen and on the item screen, click one of those.
2 The look the colors don't fit the game, looks like bg1? There is a file that has a very similar name, if not the same, for bgII try that instead just Save Bam As
Nov 2 2004, 01:43 PM
I'll try the "center BAM"-button then.
I'm not too sure whether a plain arrow is what I want, as the item is displayed as an arrow if equipped in the quick item slot (if that ability is chosen) - it's a book, after all. I have to spend some more thinking about how to make this book work the way I want. If I need any more BAMs I'll let you know.
Nov 2 2004, 02:51 PM
These arrows are from bg1 journal page if these are not what you want, try google images search and post the image that you would like as a bam. along with color and any other description that you wold like.
Nov 3 2004, 12:23 AM
I will find a picture, thanks, Sir-Kill. But don't wait for it, it could take some time... I'll post my request then.
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