Oct 27 2004, 09:47 PM
The first poll in the BG1 forum wohoo!
Who do you feel you have to have in your party everytime because you like them that much? Prehaps you enjoy what they say or their character?
Oct 28 2004, 12:13 AM
Definitely Xan. He has the coolest personality ever. I like to quote him in everyday events. "We're all going to die anyways....", "Our quest is vain.....", etc. He has got to have the coolest personality in BG1. Well, except for <charname> who had the best personality in the world....
Oct 28 2004, 07:17 AM
Well, I voted for Ajantis, because... what a question! He's my favorite, as some might have noticed already.
Actually I'm alway taking Kivan and Yeslick with me, too, I don't want to miss them, either. Yeslick is a very good fighter *and* he can throw healing spells, and Kivan is the best man behind a bow - and I like his grumbling when I give him orders...
Oct 28 2004, 07:30 AM
If you rush to Nashkell mines and get Xan he is the best to play through a game.
Just keeping him alive is game-long quest!!
Oct 28 2004, 06:21 PM
I like many of them but I've chosen Minsc... he's a great joinable NPC.
Oct 28 2004, 06:23 PM
It has to be boo and that guy that follows him around.who can dislike boo hes so cute and furry it gives me a warm fussy feeling jst thinking about him.iIalso like kivan and edwin
Nov 20 2004, 08:37 PM
Minsc without any hesitation. Gotta love him... well you dont 'have' to, but you know you want to. He's so delightfully mad... makes for great company.
Nov 22 2005, 07:33 PM
"But Kicking for Goodness" ............ Minsc without a doubt.
Nov 22 2005, 07:49 PM
Hmm... A difficult decision. A very difficult decision.
Between Xan, Xan and Xan, I guess I'll choose Xan.
But there are also Ajantis, Branwen, Dynaheir, Kivan, Shar-Teel... ah, BG, BG...
Nov 23 2005, 10:46 AM
I voted Jaheira. I like fighter-druids. And she has very nice portrait.
Nov 26 2005, 02:02 PM
Wow, this one thread is back from the dead

Well, I'll let people guess whom I voted for... It would be so difficult to figure it out, I am sure
Nov 28 2005, 10:18 AM
Let me guess - Kivan?
Mar 17 2006, 07:25 PM
In random order:
Good thief and starts out at level 1 or 2 (costumizable). Sometimes replace her with Safana, but not a lot.
Good cleric, pretty powerful, o.k. personality.
Love this guy. I usually switch Branwen for him. Love his innate Dispel magic too.
She kicks the other mages' butt if you ask me...even without Minsc.
Definately one of my permanent party members. Best bowman too. Composite bow, halberd, full plate... *whistles innocently*
She's so cute, I can't just leave her behind, weak as she may be. ^^
The rest is in my party occasionally, but not my favorites.
Mar 21 2006, 08:58 AM
It's definately Minsc. He's by far the most entertaing and fun.
Jul 12 2006, 02:56 PM
That's just not fair... I like Xan, Kivan, Khalid, Imoen and Jaheira - so how should I decide who's the NumberOne for me?
Aug 13 2008, 07:54 AM
Tiax will rule you all... someday...
Aug 13 2008, 05:57 PM
Montaron. Had I voted a long time ago, it would have been Minsc or Khalid, but I tired of them and Monty is my new favorite.
Nov 15 2008, 11:54 PM
Edwin, and considering the number of Minsc choices, hands down

, especially loved the moment the little girl tugs at his robe in the city. Picking one is hard though, with all those lovely megalomaniacs, Tiax, Xzar, even Quayle. And of course that 'i like it here, where the gold grows' fellow. For the underewarded list i'll have a vote for Eldoth btw. Hmm i should stop here before i list around fifteen of the bunch, on the good side theres Ajantis' lovely farewell message, indeed Minsc, Khalid, too many great concepts.
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