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Full Version: how to postpone...
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate, BG1Tutu, BG Trilogy > The Drizzt Saga
Hi all. Thank you first of all for this hard worked mod, I've read a lot of good things about it although I haven't played through it yet. I got Drizzt and also found Regis but I don't want to start playing this quest yet... Can I postpone it somehow until I reach level 9? Because when I remove Drizzt from the party he just leaves, he doesn't wait for me to come back...
Go to a save before finding Drizzt and make sure you don't 'see' him (don't go to the area of the map with the knoll fight).
Ok thanks for the answer. I was thinking of an option to postpone it after I met him, guess that's not possible... oh well, back to the old save then.
QUOTE(dreamer2008 @ Jun 3 2008, 01:58 PM) *
Ok thanks for the answer. I was thinking of an option to postpone it after I met him, guess that's not possible... oh well, back to the old save then.

Not possible without a major mod re-write which wouldn't be authorized by the author. Best way is to either avoid the area all together, or skirt the area and go to the East side, and the North side to complete the Bandit encounter and the 4 Half-Ogre quest of Bjornin's.
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