Aldeth the Foppish Idiot
Oct 26 2004, 01:37 PM
Has anyone else thought that TotL was pretty poorly thought out? Especially given the lack of direction you're given? That halfling just teleports you into the middle of nowhere, and you have an incredible lack of information to go on. I pride myself in figuring out CRPGs, but I doubt I would have got through this add-on without a walkthrough.
And it starts right from the beginning. The four towers that you have to enter have switches that are very easily missed, and if you don't see them, you're stuck. Collecting the six keys in the dungeon was a major chore, especially considering one of them lies through a fake wall that you can walk through. (That one really ticked me off - I never would have found that one if it hadn't been for the walkthrough.)
But aside from these gameplay issues, to me the battles just grew very tedious. It seemed that every map area was filled with the exact same type of monsters, so after you did one or two battles, you were ready for a change.
Am I the only one who was dissapointed with this add-on?
Oct 26 2004, 06:52 PM
It was free though, so...

I found it pretty dull, though the backstory was moderately interesting.
Oct 28 2004, 10:13 PM
well, it is just dungeon-like add-on... however, as igi said, the backround story is interesting and quite nice...
Nov 20 2004, 08:57 PM
It was really frustrating. It took me forever to find the rooms in the towers and get beyond the first bit. After that it was a nightmare of a hack and slash. The baddies seemed endless, and it just went on and on. The final fight also had me tearing my hair out in frustration. Definately felt like a trail for me.
Nov 24 2004, 01:46 PM
Has anyone ever finished that last battle solo alive?
Nov 24 2004, 05:24 PM
Never even tried it solo. I'm a party animal. hehe. I mean, I like lots of companions.

So nope, I guess I havent.
Nov 8 2007, 03:47 PM
I agree. I thought it was tedious and kinda annoying.
I think the only way to solo this game is with a FMC (you really don't need the thieving skills, and the game is tactically very difficult, so the spells help a whole lot).
Nov 8 2007, 11:50 PM
QUOTE(igi @ Oct 26 2004, 06:52 PM)

It was free though, so...

I found it pretty dull, though the backstory was moderately interesting.
I'm of that opinion as well.
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