Oct 24 2004, 09:53 AM
In case you are unaware, I automatically assumed it was known, S/W/N is short for Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninja-to.
Well, the person who told me that I should have done this shall remain nameless *cough*dragon_lord*cough* So here is a thread where you can say what your favorite weapon type combo is. If there is a specific combo that you enjoy playing with, please post what it is. Also, post what class/kit of player you like to use this combo with.
My favorite weapon combo is the long sword Blade of Roses and the other long sword The Equalizer. I use this combo when playing as a swashbuckler, and I manage to pretty well with this. The Blade of Roses gives a bonus to charisma and has good damage, and the Equalizer is an "equally" good sword. I enjoy long swords together a lot more than any other combination for a reason that remains mysterious to me. While I do like the look of two Katanas or Scimitars, I always go back to the long swords.
Oct 24 2004, 10:01 AM
Other (long sword and short sword)

Oct 24 2004, 10:15 AM
Yep its other for me too - Long Sword and Hammer. I love using the Answerer +4 and Crom Faeyr combo, but its a shame I have to wait till the Oasis in ToB to achieve it. My ranger always loves dual wielding them and then preceding to cut his way through streams of ToB bad guys. The answerer's -2 AC and -15 magic resistance per hit is great for ToB and makes it easier for the Crom Faeyr to do its damage.
Aldeth the Foppish Idiot
Oct 26 2004, 01:43 PM
Ack! There are absolutely NO AXES on the list! That's what I like. A dwarven beserker dual wielding me axe and me war hammer - by end of ToB, that usually means Axe of the Unyielding in the main hand, and Crom Faeyr in the off hand.
That having been said, I admire your enthusiasm with such a topic. However, I don't think it is practical to list every possible combination for your two hands without making a ridiculously long poll. Since it is possible to use the same type of weapon on both hands (for example, using a long sword in one hand does not preclude you from using another long sword in your other hand), I believe the formula for possible combinations would be 2N!, where N represents the number of different weapons in the game. Verily, this is a long list, even if you were just going to stick to classes of weapons.
EDIT: In case I wasn't clear, 2N! means 2 times N factorial, not 2N (stated excitedly).
Stone Wolf
Nov 1 2004, 06:46 AM
Two 28" red oak sticks.
Nov 1 2004, 10:50 PM
The first time I dual wield, my Kenai/Mage with Celestial Fury and Dak'kon's Zerth Blade
Stone Wolf
Nov 2 2004, 04:55 AM
Actually, put me down for 2x28" lengths of rebar. They hit much harder than oak.
Nov 20 2004, 08:43 PM
The only dual wields I've ever done is dual wielding Katanas with Valygar (Celestial fury and Hindo's doom), and dual wielding hammers with Viconia (Crom Faeyr and Runehammer). Out of those, I found the katanas to be the best.
Jun 21 2005, 05:38 PM
If I am using a non PC appearance (like slayer or something ) ill use whatever I feel like. Staff of magi (godly weapon) or ill go with the fastest swords i can find.
Jun 21 2005, 08:52 PM
For some reason I find the idea of dual-wielding to be
repugnant..not good.
If I was dual-wielding it would have to be a long sword and dagger. Probably not the best choice in the game but there you go.
I dual wielded katana's once when soloing with a fighter/mage/thief but I got bored halfway through...never finished that game!
Jun 25 2005, 03:35 PM
I'm a fan of longsword and dagger. I use a longsword in the offhand and a dagger/throwing dagger in the main hand. Less powerful but fun to play with and easy access to a ranged weapon.
Jun 25 2005, 04:29 PM
Do you (or anyone) ever come up against that bug with dual-wielding using one throwing weapon?
Where you can hit with both weapons even though one is throwing and the other isn't and you are at a distance from the target?
Jun 25 2005, 04:41 PM
Not at a distance I don't think. When you throw something the offhand weapon will attack afterwards, but it'll only hit when it's within range. (The bug usually shows up more with Melf's Minute Meteors.)
Jun 25 2005, 04:44 PM
I must be confusing magic ranged weapons in the main hand/weapon offhand with ordinary ranged...though I thought I got this once with a throwing axe in the mainhand.
Oh well!
Thorium Dragon
Jun 26 2005, 01:20 PM
Celestial Fury and Dak'kon's Zerth Blade for my Fighter/Mage/Thief that I play with 90% of the time.
I substitute Dak'kon's Zerth Blade for Hindo's Doom later in the game.
Jun 26 2005, 01:46 PM
Celestial Fury is one of the reason's I don't use Katana's and don't dual wield them either...whatever possesed Bioware/Blackisle.
Let's not start on Crom Feyr either...though at least it takes a while to be able to assemble this. I think once it is assembled the Dwarves should come looking for it back so that you don't have it in ToB.
Anyway this thread is not about how badly balanced some weapons are, yes Dakkon's Zerth Blade is nice. I liked the idea behind it in PST, a living extention of Dakkon's Will.
Apr 13 2006, 02:20 PM
Two longswords, two axes, two maces, two hammers, an axe & longsword, a short sword & longsword.
Nov 2 2006, 03:30 PM
Katana-katana for kensai characters, short sword/dagger-claws for Valen.
Nov 30 2006, 04:59 AM
Long Sword/Hand and A Half Sword
Ryel ril Ers
Jan 13 2008, 07:16 PM
Bastard sword - Bastard sword to Purifier + Foabane
Katana + Scimitar to Celestial Fury + Scarlet Ninja-to
Axe + Axe to Frostreaver + Stonefire
Flail + Hammer to Flail of Ages + Crom Fayr
Jan 14 2008, 11:14 AM
In vanilla game
CF+Malakar/Hindo's Doom
In TS (with some sort of Fighter-Thief, most of them Yoshi with dual to fighter)
Blade of Night-Wu Haltai
Ryel ril Ers
Jan 14 2008, 10:42 PM
I think the fighter thief better with single weapon style, because the backstab and the AC.
And perhaps because he can equip bow too without micromanagement.
Jan 15 2008, 08:40 AM
It Isn1T necessary to a Fighter-Thief to go shooting. Dualwield backstabbable weapons weapons, Shadow Dragon Scale, and to reserve weapon Ibaratha, to get the Mirror Image against harder opponents. But of course not in Anvil
Aug 13 2008, 07:30 AM
FoA + CF ... cleric/ranger best combination
FoA + Defender ... barbarian best combination
i dont like swords etc.
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