Apr 28 2008, 10:44 AM
So I finally decided to get the TotSC expansion as I've been missing it for a long while). I ordered the compilation pack just to get all the games on DVD and so I have a backup. Now I've read about BGT and it looks like it's something I want as I want to play the entire game from BG1 to BG2. But I'm not sure what files to get from the Spellhold Studios forum and what other mods really work and should be used to get the ultimate experience.
Apr 28 2008, 11:59 AM
bgt comes in one file now. fairly straight forward installation if that is the only 'big' mod you are doing. however some of the most complex installations are also involving bgt, the 'mega-mod' forum at ShS should be able to help there.
bgt patches the .exe so if you are going to try to play w/o a cd/dvd you will have some problems.
bergost still has a tendency to crash so do a manual save before going there.
I am kind of a minimalist when it comes to mods so I cant really help with the later portion of your question it also depends on what you are looking for.
Apr 28 2008, 05:00 PM
Thanks for the response.
I'll check with the SHS forum on the installation procedure then.
So when you say that BGT patches the exe do you mean that I can't use the CD/DVD and that a fullinstall is needed on both. If it's a full install that's required then it shouldn't be a problem as I always do that.
Apr 28 2008, 05:04 PM
no you should be fine there.
just IF you were going to use a no-cd crack it wont work with the new exe and vise-versa
Apr 29 2008, 07:20 AM

Did some searhing and I've found a good install order so I can get a few other mods that'll work with it.
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