I hate naming characters. For some reason, it's hard for me to find a name that sounds decent and fits. Therefore, I'm dumping this responsibility on everyone else. I will give a little information about my NPC and everyone here will be welcome to put in ONLY TWO NAME SUGGESTIONS EACH. I will let this go on until I feel like ending it. Afterwards, I will select the five I like the most and run a poll to see which name gets selected. The person who made the name that gets chosen will be put into the readme credits.

And so, without further delay, I present <NPC NAME>.

Class: Fighter
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Strength 18/74 (I think)
Dexterity 17
Constitution 17
Intelligence 15
Wisdom 10
Charisma 11
Total: 88
Equipment: Custom
<NPC NAME> offers his services in return for pay. In the past he has worked to protect merchants along roads from Waterdeep to Athkatla. While not of good alignment, he is a very dependable person, always keeping his word when he gives it. He is generally good-natured around any party members with the exception of thieves, for whom he has little regard.
Given his stats and special equipment, he is a very powerful warrior initially (that's why you have to pay him!).
He has a special quest that will bring out an oddity of this otherwise normal person.
If someone wants more info, just ask and I *may* post it if it's not something that should be shrouded in secrecy. Note that I may slightly (key word being slightly) alter some things as none of them are set in concrete yet.
And, yes, I know...the portrait needs some work.

I will add the names here as they are posted:
Gerylke (Ge-ril-key)...................Moongaze
Richard (the lion-heart?