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Full Version: Baldurs Gate Opera By Bereth Darkides
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Mod development resources & discussion > Modder's Studio of Arts
Bereth Darkides
Well here it is folks. Completely mixed and made into an 1.5 hour long Opera. (yes you read right)

ACM to small WAV, then mixed and edited by yours truly. (HUGE Core Wav files were recorded at 1024 kbps, etc.)
Cut/Revised,, compacted then used creative studio using a visual tab to ensure a perfect flawless mix and finally into mp3 format.
Oh and this did take me 2.5 months to accomplish. All content from;

Baldurs Gate, Shadows of Amn, Throne of Bhaal, Icewind Dale and Planescape Torment.

Two files
Part 1 and Part 2, both at 256 kbps, 44 khz.

It tells a story on it's own. If you liked the music, then you will LOVE this. If you Read, you'll find it excellent music to read by!

Enjoy, PS ...Damb I'm good, lol.

Part 1, 80.82 MB : Baldurs_Gate_Opera_by_Bereth_Darkides.mp3

Part 2, 86.08 MB : Baldurs_Gate_Opera_by_Bereth_Darkides_part_2.mp3

1000 Downloads between both sites,, way to go lads and ladies,, keep'er goin.

I've always loved the music of the IE games.

Yup thats right, I've heard all others

Others? Do you mean there are other such collections as well?
Bereth Darkides
There were, yes but they were all garbage! Only mine matters ph34r.gif

No all kidding aside, most others were only a couple of tunes but realy lacked completion due to the fact of how LONG it takes to really do it. They had problems with output often being only 126 kbps. Song order and choice also played a part as well.

The ACM files (stripped from the game were at best 10-15 seconds long each) were timely to reconstruct into a song again. This could only be done through a sound editing program (a few out there to do it just fine) but it wasn't like putting pieces of a puzzle together as many of them overlapped due to game needs vs on the spot play. Sort of like, you start a battle, the tune starts but you kill him quick so the song needs to end, so what they did was chop each tune into about 20-25 pieces with overlapping time. Before any congruency could be done all overlapping had to be eliminated then joined. I'm making it sound easy, but put it this way; this is the first one you heard about right? wink.gif

Two and a half months of SOLID editing. The individual core files (Chappel tune from BG 1 for example) were huge once I rerecorded them into 1026kbps files each about 40-65 mgs each. Now remember, there are 50 composite pieces (individual songs) in this opera I just made and that should answer just one question as to why this is the first you've heard of.

It all equals this-----Time Consuming and if your tone deaf,, don't even bother to try, your head will explode! laugh.gif

Bereth Darkides
PS,,, it's really quite awesome isn't it! yes I have a musical background Tuba player lvl 6 Concert Band. Damb I'm just full of myself aren't I ...

Just kidding around folks! balleye.gif

Bereth, could you put your opera to a normal server, because I cannot upload anything from Rapidshare? Maybe you could put it to the BWL server?
BlackWyrmLair can't host it unfortunately, because it's copyrighted material (music of the IE games). It only takes a few minutes at most to start the download from Rapidshare, so I see no problem.
Bereth Darkides
I'll put it on Mediafire tonight :-)
I can't get past the CAPTCHA .... O.o

I can mirror it if you want.
You can e-mail me at
Finally got around to downloading the second part of this. it is nice to hear when creating IE stuff (for me 3d stuff)
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