I have been away from the BG community for quite some time, and unfortunately this has had a devastating effect on the this mod. When I first started it, it was supposed to be finished withing a month. Then I had some megalomaniac ideas about new areas (which are actually ready), and it took more than a year to complete 85 % of the work. But time's passing by, and I am still to finish this mode, for which I apologize. Even more - I will be unable to complere it, due to a combination of software issues (Vista 64 on y new PC is giving me a headache when trying to run the game) and proffessional engagements (I am an aspiring newspaper editor - an occupation that really takes its toll on my spare time).
So I am asking all of you for help - Does anyone want to take this mod where it is and see to it that is gets finished once and for all? The mod is almost ready, and all that needs to be done is for a inn hosting an importan NPC to be fixed so that it doesn't crash the game, and some commoner dialoge options to be added for better RP.
I have developed a few new areas, new items and even some changes to the music scenery of BG, which are all backed up on a CD. If anyone feels qualified to complete Azure, please don't hasitate to send me a PM. Your fellow BG2 players will love you for it (me included

Best regards to everyone at the Blackwyrmlair!