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Full Version: HoF: Which spells are useless?
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Realms of the Wyrm > Gaming discussion, D&D, screenshots > Icewind Dale, Heart of Winter, Trials of the Luremaster
I don't know if certain spells will work in HoF mode. Sleep hasn't worked for me (it's based on Hit Die), and I'm wondering about Horror.

Any spells I should just avoid in a pure HoF game?


You have to use those type of spells in combination with a Greater Malison or Doom (if you have a Druid).

Really there aren't any useless spells, if you combine them with another that makes up for a weakness.

With the large numbers of enemies that you tend to fight all at once in IWD, the area effect spells tend to shine.

Combining area effect spells can really destroy a large group quickly, there were three I used lethally in combination:

Grease (great use of a level 1 spell)
Greater Malison (to make sure Grease gets best effect)
DeathFog (level 6 spell, use cloudkill at earlier levels..or fireball!)
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