Also as I mentioned, BG1 is my favourite RPG for PC
Our taste is similar, in fact identical in this case, then.
and just thinking that there are talented people who can further enhance the already great experience of playing it giving more life to it well...What can I say ?
The Black Wyrm was founded to provide a pleasant and effective center for these talented people, providing them safe and high-level technical background. The server of the Black Wyrm can provide a lot of free space to developers -- but this technical background would be very useless without the hard work of talented modders. Modding is fun, and it can't be forced! Similar to art a little bit: if you like doing it, if you enjoy doing it, then the works, the results will be nice and good. Modding is fun I said? Then playing too! The mods are made for you players, and the modders need your feedback. That is at least as important as precise and creative work of modders. The reports, bug reports, opinions and ideas of players are invaluable for the developers.
I really admire people like you who can give so much to the community of us RPG fans. [..]I can just be grateful! Thanks,Baronius...
Thank it to the hard-working modders here... I'm just trying to make sure that everything runs perfectly and without problems. Of course I also develop mods but that is far not as significant at the moment as the work of all those who have chosen Black Wyrm
Everyone makes mistakes. We're people, and make mistakes. To assure that Black Wyrm is run without problems, the members of the BW Council, its governing body, try to do their best to keep the good atmosphere and effective work of the website, forums and chat server. I hope we will always be successful in this respect: that's why the Council was formed (and will be expanded) by people who are skilled in modding and/or programming, or versatile and experienced in the area of beta-testing and reviewing.
I hope we'll be able to meet your expectations!