1. Aerie Very multisided character. the late accesable Greater Restoration is multiply compensated with her sequencable Priest spells, like Bless+Chant,Silence2*, Holy Smite 3*, Prot Evil 10 rad+Def. Harm+Res. fear/Invis 10 rad+Mass Heal 3*, Holy Power+Righteous Magic+Improved Haste, and FInally, Greater Restoration+Mass invisibility+sp im. div. Few knows, but she can go melee very good, for example with FoA+Mauler arm. Her Attributes are also very good, High intelligence, and High wisdom, so she is the character for (limited)Wishes, even from scrolls.Her Romance (which is nice, especially HD isn't aboard) is not so long, as Jaheiras, or Viccys, so her romance fits for speedplayers. But the true reason her first place is her new Amaurena portrait. Until it's release, She was the second by me.
2. Imoen very Powerful mage, who can be modded to specialist (via NPCKit mod), or with IA, she can be a Sorcerer, which is the most powerful class. In the first case, she can use her thieving skill, which is almost enough for the whole game, especially with RIng of Danger Sense. As a Thief, she can use bows, such as Ghesen, or Tasheron Bow. But she is your best friend, who is by your side, from the beginnings, until the end. Only one hindrance: Her pink hair sucks.
3. Jaheira Very good fighter, with some additional combat/Healing spells. In combat she can use much combos, as the dualwield (Club/Scimitar),Shielding (Club or Scimitar) the ultimate damaging (Impaler+Whirlwind), or the defender (Staff of Woodlands). With Jaheira in the party, you can get a Ring of Wizardry. Her romance is very nice, but too long, to get the second, or the first place, and her portrait is nice, but not so nice to get the first Places.
Most hatred Bioware NPC-s
1. HD Very bad savings(not match to a high CON Dwarf/Halfling Fighter/Priest), Bad THACO, Bad AC especially at the beginnings, few wizard spells, Annoying voice, ugly portrait, and worst in my first BGII play, he stole Aerie, form my Halfling FT. His Innate Abilities are good, but if I need those, I will make a Blade PC, And a Fighter mage, especially dualclassed is far more powerful as a blade
2. Korgan Very Evil, doesn't get along with my favourite NPC,and others, Bad DEX, Annoying Voice, and there are a plenty of good fighters
3. Jan More Annoying personality, and voicing, than Anomen (4.). As a multiclassed thief, he has more ThS-S, as the required minimum, but not so much, as required to be a very effective multiuse thief, and as Mage, even Specialist, he vill get too late good high lvl spells. The thief class doesn't as much compensation, as the priest class is by Aerie.
Favourite Mod NPC-s
1. Sime As a Stalker-Cleric she gets every divine Spells, and Fighter HLA-s. Her beginning equipment is very nice, but nothing owerpowered. She can use a numberous crushing weaponcombos from the ultimate undeadkiller (Selune's Promise+Mace of Disruption+5) until the Supreme Destroyer (FoA+Crom). Her Romance is the nicest of all NPC romances, has a very nice voice, and last, and not at least, she is a very nice blonde(half)elven girl)
2. Kachiko The most powerful NPC in the Game, the Perfect Character to IA, or Tactics.As a Kensai, she can get maximum Damage, and as a Mage, she can get a lot of nice combat spells, especially if she wears the TS stuff. Her Yoshimo romance is very good, and her quest is the best created NPC quest ever.
3. Kivan&Deheiriana Kivan (and Deheiriana) is the perfect "friendship" character. Very much, and "Kivanish" iterjections, and Banters with the PC, or the NPC-s. He has a powerful class, and when you get his love, she can also get a very good class (Fighter-Priest-Mage). Both have nice voices, nice BG style pictures. It is an enjoy, to play with this mod.
Most hatred mod NPC-s
1. Xan THE BIGGEST DISAPPOINMENT. The Xan mod is great. Good chosable classes, good quests, banters, and iterjections, BUT the most important component, the bonded path, ends very, very badly. I played with a character from a beginning (fem. Elven archer. Yes, she was blond
2. Yasraena Too powerful. Extremily high MR, 5* to a weapon to start. The weapon, which can Yas use it isn't the best, and drowish possible to play. Her quests, especially the Divalir quest is nice, but nothing Special, and there is a huge bug in the mod, at the end of SOA
3. Valen Another too powerful character. A vampire to play? I don't know. I didn't like Evil characters. This was the reason, that Valen is the third, not Solaufein. But the worst in the mod is, that you can't take her to some places, without some very-very nasty fights.